Minutes from Senate meetings are typically available in SGAO and at asucd.ucdavis.edu. Any questions/concerns with minutes should be forwarded to SGAO or to the current ASUCD Recorder. Officers' reports and meeting notes will be put on file in SGAO on the third floor of the MU without the actual minutes until they have been completed. Minutes from the previous week's meeting are approved every Senate meeting and are found at this website shortly after.
Minutes are downloadable and are stored in the .doc format, best used with Microsoft Word or equivalent software.
A recent shift in the style of the minutes is due to Jasmine Chen, who had been recorder for close to three years, recently finishing her term alongside President Rebecca Sterling at the end of the 2013 Winter Quarter.
The California Aggie writes "Senate Briefs" in their weekly edition. They are notable in their interesting prioritization of which details make print and tone, as seen in this May 2013 example.