Autumn Sky is a local musician most known for her performances in Sacramento though she has made some appearances in Davis as well, playing at The Greenhouse and live in studio at KDVS, for example. She is an inductee of the Sacramento Music Award's Hall of Fame. Accolades have included SAMMIES for Artist of the Year and Best Singer/Songwriter. She has collaborated with other local acts like Musical Charis and played benefits with other (now former) local female soloists like Ricky Berger. She has played events such as Sacramento's TBD Fest, Sac's Chalk It Up!, SN&R Presents, Napa Valley's BottleRock and venues such as Ace of Spades, Cesar Chavez Plaza, the Crocker Art Museum,Harlow's, Luigi's Fungarden, Luna's Cafe, Westfield's Downtown Plaza, and Assembly on K Street.



YouTube channel



All Which Isn't Singing LPScout EP

Performance posters and fliers

Flier for a Davis show at the GreenhouseNapa festivalSacramento TBD FestFlier for Assembly venue on K Street in Sac

Performance photos of local shows

Sacramento TBD FestivalConcerts in the Park, SacramentoAssembly on K Street, SacramentoAt Ace of Spades, Sacramento

In the News

• Hooks & Stone podcast episode

• Girls on the Grid arts and culture site interview

• Sac State radio KSSU interview

• feature

• interview

Feature in Sacramento culture website City Scout

SN&R profile

• Sacramento CBS Local profile

Videos of local performances

At Ace of Spades in Sacramento

at The Greenhouse in Davis

on KDVS 90.3 FM in Davis

at Luna's Cafe in Sacramento

at Cesar Chavez Plaza in Downtown Sacramento

at Songwriter Sacramento studio

Sacramento Porch Sessions