715 G Street #3
Tues. - Sat.: 9am – 7pm, by appointment only; Sun/Mon: closed
(530) 758-9339
Peter and Christy Friederich
Payment Methods
Cash, credit card, and Davis Dollars

Our mission is to promote holistic health and healing through our practice and programs. Each of these programs and techniques applied singly or combined give you an uniquely individualized wellness program to support your goals for freedom from pain and restoration of health and vitality for life. Massage Program - Swedish & Esalen, Cross Fiber Massage and Biofeedback Somatic Touch© , Aura and Energy Work Postural and Structural Assessment and Realignment Bodywork and Energy Work Techniques Ortho-Bionomy© Polarity Therapy Intuitive Energy Work Reflexology Biofeedback Somatic Touch©, Relaxation Breath Techniques and Isolated Active Stretch and Movement Release Techniques, Shock and Trauma Injury Release and Recovery All Services and techniques are appropriately and deeply effective, yet gentle enough to be able to assist all ages and needs: From the Mother-to-Be, the New Born, babies, teens, and the Elder Generation Other: Bach Flower Essences, Affirmations, Gems, Crystals, & Stones, Essential Oils and Nutrition, Life & Health Counseling Life and Health Consultations: Simple Self-care Solutions, Harmony and Balance in Life, Dietary and Nutrition, Spiritual Coaching Seminars, Classes and Tutoring: For Health Maintenance: Self Care Concepts, De-Stress, Pain Management and Core Stabilization and Centering Exercises


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