I. Introduction

1. Booklet introduction

This booklet is a resource for all things about the The Davis Bike Collective in Davis, California. Whether you are a visitor, part of our congregation or a regular volunteer you should be able to find the answers to most of your questions.

2. Mission

The purpose of the Bike Church is to give the community a low-cost resource that provides the knowledge and tools necessary to maintain and repair their various forms of human-powered transportation. The Bike Church seeks to be a place where people of any age, sex, color, race, sexual orientation, or nationality feel comfortable to learn about and work on bikes. They have new and used bikes, parts, and accessories for donation along with tools and advice on how to fix your bicycle so you can get back to bicycling. The Church is non-profit and operated by volunteers.

The Bike Church is located at the Sustainable Research Area on the University of California, Davis campus. We are made up of a group of volunteers from the Davis Community and we serve all people who desire our services but primarily the residents of Davis, CA. We exist because we want to increase bicycle mode share, decrease waste, empower people in their transportation choices and self sufficiency, and cultivate community and bicycle culture. We do this because everyone should have freedom to cheap, reliable transportation. Riding a bicycle is good for both human and environmental health, is safe, decreases pollution and global warming and is inexpensive. We choose to make this happen through human interaction. We teach and instruct people in bicycle repair and also provide the tools and facilities needed to do this and we decrease waste by reusing bicycle parts and materials.

Other important aspects of the Bike Church:

  • People can help each other, share skills, and empower each other in fixing and repairing their own bicycles.
  • Resource use and reuse is emphasized and practiced.
  • Tools are shared and learned to use correctly.
  • Bicycle repair is taught, not done as a service.
  • Sustainable bicycle/human powered culture is cultivated.
  • Waste is given another chance at reuse.
  • Getting as many people riding their bikes as often as possible is paramount.
  • The idea where the disconnection from knowledge is smashed.
  • A place where one can shout "Boom Shakalaka Gaia".
  • A place where community can be built through the communication of knowledge and the practice of sustainable/recycled transportation.

3. History

The Bike Church was started in 2004 in response to the lack of accessible bicycle repair resources. It formed around the bicycle graveyard at the Domes. Tools and parts were collected and public shifts were held to allow congregants to repair and maintain their bicycles. Since then the Church has become more organized with 15+ active ministers and 200+ regular patrons. The Bike Church is currently an informal non-profit organization but is seeking official status in the coming years.

2004: Ted Buehler and Chris Congleton envisioned the Church and began searching for like minded individuals.

2005: First official meeting was in January 2005. They purchased the first tools, set up the space at the domes and started having open sessions. Five shifts per week were held for a while. A membership style payment was introduced. The self service station was built. Bikes were repaired and sold by the ministers during down time.

2006: Church grew with some new organization and regular shifts. Bike church business cards were introduced. New tools were ordered with the help of the Santa Cruz Bike Church. The church received a shed and begin using it for tool storage. The first Burning Bike Festival was held after the May critical mass.

2007: The Bikebrary was started in January. A new larger dome was raised after Burning Man. The East Davis Bicycle Spiritual Center was opened on Duke Drive. The Mobile Ministry Unit was constructed. Tools were purchased with the help of Sunshine Bicycles in Fairfax. The first Ganesh T-shirts were printed.

2008: The Great Pedal Forward was enacted. First annual fundraiser was held at the Delta of Venus pulling in $1000+. Second round of T-shirts were printed along with buttons and stickers. A SPAC group formed. The dome floor was constructed.

4. Contact Information

A. Location

The Bike Church is located in Davis California on the University of California, Davis campus at 1 Baggins End adjacent to the Domes and the EC Gardens.

B. Email

Our email address is bikeminstry@ucdavis.edu.

C. Website

Our website address is http://www.daviswiki.org/Bike_Church

5. Terminology

  • Minister: A core volunteer at the church. Minsters are officially ordained and take on a title. They are the only people who can open the church and have full access.
  • Acolyte: A minister in training.
  • Congregation/Parishioners: The users of the Bike Church
  • The Dome: Our homemade geodesic dome. It provides a workspace and parts storage
  • Graveyard: Area where bicycles are available for rebuilding and parts.
  • Log book: Where the church records are recorded.

6. How to get involved

There are many ways to get to be involved with the church: from simply visiting for repair help to being a minster and volunteering your time and expertise. All of the following will be announced via the website and the email listserv.

A. Open hours

Come to open hours to repair your bicycle, volunteer your time for work trade, teach bicycle repair, or learn how to become a minister. The open hours are always posted on the main page of our website and updated regularly.

B. Meetings

Come to our regular meetings to participate in planning and decision making. These are held the first and third Friday's of each month at 6pm.

C. Work parties

Come volunteer at the quarterly work parties. We work as a big group to clean and organize the church or do special projects. There is typically food, drink, music and fun.

D. Workshops

Teach or attend a workshop about something bicycle related, from tune-up to fixie conversion to traffic safety.

E. Outreach

Help us with our many outreach activities such as school and public visits with the mobile ministry unit, hosting or participating in the the Velolution radio show, etc.

II. Operational Procedures

1. Shift Procedure

A. Opening duties

  • Unlock the gate, dome, shed, tool wall, and project pile.
  • Sign in for your shift in the log book.
  • Place the congregation/minister log book at the entrance.
  • Make sure nothing has been stolen or broken. Record anything unusual in the log book.
  • Put donated bikes into the free pile or Bikebrary. Record donations in log book.
  • Clear hazards from walkways and working areas.

B. Running a shift

  • Greet each person that arrives at the Church and ask what they need.
  • Ask if they've been to the church before. If not explain donations, bike sales policy, parts bins, project pile, bikebrary, tools, trash and cleanup policy.
  • Have them sign in when they arrive and sign out when they leave.
  • The minster is around to help the patrons of the Church. They are your primary responsibility. If they need help drop what you are doing and help them.
  • Give equal amounts and quality of your time to everyone at the church.
  • Check in regularly with each patron to make sure they are doing OK.
  • Make sure everyone is using the tools correctly and safely.
  • Teach before doing: Don't fix things for people if possible. In general a minister shouldn't touch the tools, the person should do the work.

C. Closing duties

  • Clean up time starts 15 minutes before closing time. All people must clean up at this time!
  • All tools need to be put in their proper plac. Check around for loose tools and return them to their appropriate place.
  • Floors should be swept. No parts or metal pieces should be on the floor or ground.
  • Miscellaneous parts must be in their proper bin. All tables must be cleared.
  • All bicycles need to be returned to the graveyard, project pile, or bikebrary. They must be organized and not be a safety hazard. Project pile bikes must be tagged.
  • Trash and recycling should be put in appropriate containers.
  • Empty the trash and recycling bins.
  • Make sure everyone makes a donation for the day and signs out.
  • Write any missing tools, bikes, parts, etc in the minister log book.
  • Count the money in the money box. Check against the total in the log book. Note any discrepancies. Leave $35 in small change in the box. Deposit the remainder in the treasurer's box for pickup.
  • Check the project rack for projects that are three+ weeks old. Return forgotten delinquent projects to the free pile.
  • Lock the project pile, bikebrary, tool wall, shed, dome and gate. Put up the "closed" sign.

2. Safety

Three emergency response guides are posted around the church. The campus emergency information can be found at http://www.ucdavis.edu/help/emergency_services.html.

A. Fire extinguishers

There are two fire extinguishers at the church. One is mounted by the door of the dome and the other is mounted in the shed. These need to be checked twice a year for proper fill and pressure.

B. First aid

A first aid kit is located in the dome by the door beside the fire extinguisher. The kit needs to be checked and refilled on a quarterly basis. Don't hesitate to call emergency services if needed.

C. Emergency numbers

Each dome has a telephone that can be used in emergency situations. To report an emergency, call 911. From a cell phone, call (530) 752-1230 which is the UC Davis Police Department. The US Davis Fire Department can be reached at (530) 752-1234.

D. Housing contact

Chuck Huneke - jchuneke@ucdavis.edu - (530) 754-6022

3. Material flow procedures

A. Zero waste

The Bike Church aspires to operate under zero waste principles. Diverting waste to the landfill is one of our primary missions. We always try to reuse first, recycle second, and transport to the landfill last. Furthermore, the Church minimizes environmental impact of the use of fossil fuel powered vehicles in the transportation of materials. Thus the use of human power to transport our materials is important.

B. Donated bicycles and parts

Parishioners are encouraged to make donations during open hours, but can leave bicycles and parts in the donation area at the front gate. Donations made after hours cannot count for work trade. Parishioners donating during open hours can receive a voucher for work trade. Please keep the donation area as neat as possible. Minsters and volunteers must move the donations inside the church sometime during the shift. Parts must be sorted and bicycles stored in designated areas.

C. Part sorting

Parts have to be constantly sorted. Parishioners and minsters are encouraged to put all parts back in their proper location at the end of each shift but parts will inevitably be left over. Miscellaneous parts are stored in a bin and volunteers can sort them for work trade.

D. Reuse, Recycling, and Disposal

Recycling is the second to last resort for dealing with excess material. Campus recycling information can be found at R4's website (http://r4.ucdavis.edu/) and Davis recycling information can be found at the DWR website (http://www.davisrecycling.org).

a. Plastics, glass bottles and cans

There are two bins for plastics, glass, cans, etc.

  • Bin #1: Beverage and food containers with a #1 or #2, glass bottles, and aluminum cans should be deposited here. This bin should be emptied into the Domes' blue recycle bins after each shift.
  • Bin #2: Plastics labeled with #3, #5, #6, #7 and #1/#2 non-food containers should be deposited here. They can be turned into DWR on 2nd Street if not able to be reused.
b. Scrap Metal

There is one metal bin. Scrap steel, brass, copper, and aluminum should be deposited here. Bike frames, bike parts, and other odd scrap metals can be included. Facilities will pick up this material on a regular basis for recycling, or it can be taken to the metal bin at the R4 yard.

c. Paper

There is one bin for mixed paper. This should be emptied into the Domes' mixed paper bins after each shift. No cardboard!

d. Cardboard

There is one bin for cardboard. This should be deposited in the cardboard dumpster which is shared by the Domes and Orchard Park apartments on an as needed basis.

e. Toxic/petro

Oils, paints and other toxic chemicals must be disposed of properly. The Yolo County landfill accepts these items each year at the Household Hazardous Waste Drop off days. This is also a good time to get free paint and other useful things for the church.

f. Batteries

There is one bin for batteries and the closest campus deposit box is at the ARC entrance. Deposit these on an as needed basis.

g. Wood

Store useful wood in the Domes' woodpile.

h. Tubes and Tires

Tubes should be saved and stored in the tubes bin. Tubes that cannot be repaired can be used for straps, tiedowns, bicycle games, etc. Tires may be recycled in small quantities at Ken's Bike and Ski through the Specialized recycling program. Large quantities may have to go to the landfill.

i. Non recyclables

All trash that cannot be reused or recycled is collected in the orange trash can at the Church. This should be deposited in the dumpsters shared by the Domes and Orchard park apartments after each shift.

j. Other

Consult Davis Waster Removal, Yolo County Landfill, UC Davis Facilities or R4 about any other materials.

4. Tool Policies

A. Tool care

The Bike Church's tools are one of its most valuable resources and it is up to the parishioners and ministers to take care of them. Quality tools are not cheap but if used properly they will last for a long time, even in a communal workshop. It is very important to use the correct tool for the job. If you are not familiar with the use of a tool or which tool is needed, consult a minister before you begin working. If the minster doesn't know, consult the bicycle repair manuals at the church.

Parishioners are only allowed to use hand tools. They are not permitted to use any power tools. Only minsters that have been trained in the use of power tools are allowed to use them. Furthermore, some of the more expensive bicycle tools, such as bottom bracket taps, can only be used with a trained Minister present.

B. Storage

Ministers cannot store personal property on site except for two projects in the project rack. Parishioners can only store one project at a time.

a. Project Rack
  • Congregation and ministers can leave bicycles/parts in the project rack for storage.
  • Only one project per person is permitted, except for ministers.
  • The project must be tagged with a name, date, and contact information (phone number or email address). These tags are available from a minster.
  • The date on the tag must be updated each time the project is worked on.
  • Projects that have been left for over three weeks will be returned to the free pile.
  • The project rack will be locked at the end of each open session.
  • No one should remove parts from project bikes. Respect other people's property.
b. Shed

Do not store personal items in the shed. Make sure the shed is locked when not in use.

5. Bikebrary

A. What is it?

The bikebrary is a bicycle share program. The church allows parishioners to check out bicycles for up to one month. We ask for a $25 deposit at minimum, which is returned when the bike is returned, and for a donation for the use of the bicycle.

B. How does it operate?

Parishioners can check out and return bicycles during open hours at the church. Speak to a minister and they will help you choose one of the available bicycles. The minster records the parishioner's name, address, phone number, the bicycle number, the bicycle description, and the date of check out. A lock is provided with each bicycle. Either the key or the combination is given to the parishioner. The combination should be recorded in the logbook. The parishioner should return the bicycle to the church within a month. The bike church will repair the bicycles if needed. Minsters are expected to maintain the bikebrary bikes in their downtime and volunteers can maintain the bicycles for a work trade voucher.

6. Projects

A. What is it?

A project is a bicycle that is typically being fully restored. We have many available bicycles in the graveyard that are available for restoration. Some need a little work and others need to be built up from scratch. All parishioners are allowed to have a project and store it at the church during the course of the restoration.

B. How does it work?

A minister can help you chose a bicycle from the graveyard to repair. Inform the minister how much time you want to put into it and what you would like to use the bicycle for. They will help pick a bicycle that is right for you. You can begin working on the project immediately and can store it at the church. Each parishioner is only allowed to work on and store one project at a time. The projects are locked in the project rack after each shift. The parishioner must attach a tag to the project with their name, date, and contact information. The date must be updated each time the project is worked on. Projects that have a date three weeks old or more will be returned to the graveyard. Tie or bag all parts to the project so things are lost. The ministers try their best to keep people from stealing parts from the project rack, but until we have a fully enclosed lockable space we cannot guarantee that the parts aren't stolen. A donation is requested when the project is finished and checked over by a minister.

7. Donations

The bike church would like to provide everything for free, but unfortunately the supplies would quickly dry up without any sort of income. Minsters must ask for reasonable donations from the patrons of the Bike Church. The Bike Church accepts cash donations, bicycles, bicycle parts, tools, and labor. Everyone is expected to donate for the services of the Bike Church, but no one shall be turned away due to lack of funds. Technically, this is a donation for the tool and knowledge share. We also have to recoup the cost of purchased parts.

A. Sales Policy

The Bike Church does not sell bicycles, new or used. Parishioners are expected to repair any bicycle they obtain at the church using the Church's resources. The Church does not sell parts, tools, etc. We do accept donations and work trade for parts and bicycles.

B. Donate money

The suggested donation is $5 per hour + cost of parts. The parts and bicycles go for about 1/4 retail price. Donations depend on the minister present and the patron's generosity, you may pay more or less on different days. Remember that this is much cheaper than bicycles shops and you get a lot more than at bike shops. Donations should be locked in the donation lock box. The treasure collects the donations once a week and deposits into the bank account.

Suggested Donations for Used Items
$25 to $75
Bottom Brackets
Chain Rings
$0.50 per patch
$2 to $5

C. Donate time (work trade)

1 hour of volunteer time equals 3 hours of service at the church (excluding parts). This can be during workparties, open hours, outreach events, etc. The minister present can issue work trade vouchers and must record this in the log book.

D. Donate parts, bicycles, tools, materials, etc

The estimated retail cost divided by 50 equals the amount of time in hours of free service. Example: Willis donates two Magnas to the church. Each cost $50 new at Walmart. So Willis gets to use the church's services for 2 hours.

E. Log donations

All donations must be logged in the log book.

  • Parishioner's name: doesn't have to be a full name or real, but parishioners are encouraged to use the same name each time they visit the church.
  • Amount of donation: record what was donated
  • Service: record of what was done and what parts were taken.
  • Date: day, month and year of donation
  • Time in/Time out: When the parishioner arrived and left.
  • Email: The parishioner may include their email if they want to be added to the congregation list serve.

F. Deposit the money

At the end of the shift the minister tallies up the total monetary donations of the day and records it in the log book. The money is counted and any discrepancies with the actual amount collected are also recorded. $35 in small change is left in the donation box and the rest is deposited into the treasurers deposit box for weekly pickup. All ministers have access to the donation cash box. The treasurer deposit box is separate and more secure. The treasurer is the only person with access to this box.

8. Quarterly and yearly tasks

A. Work party

Work parties are held at the beginning of each quarter and at other times under special circumstances. We use the work parties to focus on completing various projects such as organizing, special cleaning, construction, etc. With that in mind, we do not offer assistance or bicycle repair time during work parties. A minister(s) hosts the party by scheduling, announcing and preparing a list of tasks that need to be done. Each minister is required to host or help host one work party per year. Food, drinks, and music may be provided with minister consensus. This depends on the church's finances. This is a great time for parishioners to build up work trade credit.

B. Old parts and frame culling

We collect so many bicycle and parts that we can't always keep them all in our storage facilities. We hate to have to get rid of any bicycle, but it has to happen due to space constraints. Twice a year the frames and parts should be sorted and any items that have been at the church for a long time should be recycled.

C. Dome conversion

The dome must be prepped for the winter weather each fall before the first rain and for summer weather each spring after the last rain. The floor, parts, bins and tools in the dome must be protected from the rain and the wind during the winter.

E. Cleaning

One big task that must happen at each work party is general cleaning. The church should get a good going over and all trash, junk and disorganization must be cleaned up.

F. Safety check

The first aid kits, fire extinguishers, and emergency response guides are checked each quarter and refilled/replaced as needed. The combination to the shed should be changed, also.

9. Workshops

Workshops on various topics can be taught by church volunteers. They can be coordinated with the Experimental College for advertisement.

A. Bikes are for Bitches (and Ladies)

This is a time at the church for parishioners that would like to work in a less male dominated environment and learn to solve bicycle problems together. Women and transgendered parishioners are the typical participants but the workshop is open to all.

III. Organizational Structure and Duties

1. Responsibility Definitions

A. Minister Duties

Ministers are the face and the hands of the Bike Church. The ministers must uphold the values of the Church and the UCD principles of community. They should promote the do-it-yourself (DIY) culture and spend most of their time teaching rather doing. A minister should only get their hands dirty when assisting a patron if the situation requires it. Ministers aren't expected to have a full spectrum of bicycle repair knowledge and should not be afraid to seek knowledge from others to solve unfamiliar problems.


  • Must hold one three hour shift per month or be regularly involved in the other church tasks.
  • Must help host one work party per year
  • Must help teach one workshop per year


  • Teach bicycle repair
  • Maintain bikebrary
  • Answer emails to the bikeministry listserv
  • Maintain wiki website


  • Free use of bike church facilities
  • Free components and frames (no hoarding, only two projects at a time)
  • Access to wholesale orders
  • Can work on and store up to two projects at a time at the church

B. Acolyte Duties

Acolytes are ministers in training. They may be experienced mechanics or have no experience. Either way they still have to attend at least one work party and three shifts beside a minister. Acolytes can be ordained as a minster anytime after they have met the initiation requirements. New minsters are ordained at the quarterly meetings by consensus. In general, acolytes should not have access to the shed or locked bikes when a minister is not present. Acolytes can become ministers after holding at least 3 shifts with ministers, participating in one work party, and getting consensual approval from the church at a meeting.


  • Must hold one three hour shift per month alongside a minister

C. Parishioner Duties

Parishioners are the owners of the church. They have access to the resources that the church offers, can participate in meetings, and fund the church's operations. Some members of the congregation volunteer during work parties and shifts. Tasks usually involve cleaning and organizing. The time spent may be used as work trade credit detailed in the donations section.

2. Job Task list

A. SPAC Group

The Bike Church is an official student group on campus. We have to have four undergraduates enrolled as officers of the group. Each year new officers must be elected. This is one of our connections with the university. The new officers have to pass the SPAC online test each year. Their responsibility is to work with SPAC and make sure the Bike Church is abiding by their rules. The SPAC president is the point contact for university officials.

B. Treasury

  • Collect donation money from the church on a weekly basis and deposit it into the SPAC bank account
  • Maintain a record of the donations and accounts and make available to the public
  • Handle all reimbursement requests
  • The treasurer is the only person in the church authorized to make bank transactions and have a key to the deposit box at the church

C. Email list manager

There are two email listservs for the Bike Church. They can be managed at listproc.ucdavis.edu:

  • bikeministry@ucdavis.edu
    • For regular volunteers/ministers to discuss church business.
    • Several emails per day
    • Anyone can email the list to ask questions but only the subscribers see the emails. Use "reply all" to keep the listserv included on response to questions.
    • Only owners can add people to the list and have rights to control the list.
    • The listserv password should only be passed on to owners of the list.
    • The listserv password should be changed the beginning of each year and reported to the owners of the list.
  • bikecongregation@ucdavis.edu
    • This is a list of all members/users of the church including the ministry.
    • A maximum of 2 emails should be sent to the listserv per month.
    • Only the owners can post messages to the congregation.
    • Send announcement requests to the owners of the list.
    • The list is for announcements. The bi-monthly email can act as a newsletter.
    • Email addresses should be added every two weeks from the log book at the church.

D. PR response

  • Create fliers, business cards, posters, buttons, shirts, tracks, etc for advertising purposes
  • Schedule bike church appearances at town functions (Whole Earth, Picnic Day, Student Activities, etc)
  • Schedule interviews and such when the press contacts us
  • Update the KDVS PSA reguarly
  • Advertise for events
    • listservs/forums: Davis Bike Club, Bike Church Congregation, SABA, Sac Bike Kitchen, Oak Park Bike Kitchen
    • Newspapers: California Aggie, Davis Enterprise, SN&R, Woodland Daily Democrat, Winters Express
    • Websites: daviswiki.org

E. Handbook curator

Develop and maintain the handbook. The handbook should be reviewed yearly and updated.

F. Tool monitor etc.

  • Maintain a tool inventory: broken, lost, etc
  • Compiles quarterly order of parts and tools
  • Restock shop supplies, tools, and parts
  • Order tools and supplies on a regular basis.
  • Purchase soap, grease, and oil on a regular basis
  • Remove old rags and make new ones as needed (Wash rags?)

G. Domes liaison

The domes liaison facilities communication and upholds the Bike Church's relationship with the Domes community. They may need to attend Domes meetings to resolve issues, make announcements, or make requests. Typically a domes resident that is also a minister takes on this role.

H. Scheduler

  • Make sure that each shift is filled every month by contacting minsters on a regular basis, preferably by phone
  • Continuously update the wiki schedule
  • Keep track of how many shifts each minister takes per month
  • Schedule at least one workshop per month by calling ministers
  • Update the wiki workshop schedule
  • Update work party dates

3. Meetings

Minister meetings are held the First and third Friday of each month at 6 pm as a way for the ministers to regroup and plan out their strategies and goals. Ministers will facilitate and take notes on a rotating basis. Anyone is welcome to attend and add input. The agenda will be developed before the meeting through email or the wiki but agenda items may be added at the beginning of the meeting.

A. Meeting structure

  1. Select facilitator, time keeper, and note taker.

  2. Build an agenda with time limits.

  3. Make general announcements.

  4. Proceed through agenda items.

  5. Make proposals and vote by consensus.

  6. Close the meeting when all discussion is done.

B. Consensus process

Decisions at the meetings will be made through the consensus process (100% consensus). Each minister present has to agree to the decision. Only ordained ministers can vote in consensus. Input from acolytes and parishioners is valued and will be given time in meetings but they may not vote.

C. Roles

There are three primary roles at the meetings. These should be rotated on a regular basis.

  • Facilitator: Directs the meeting to meet the agenda and time constraints.
  • Time keeper: Updates the facilitator on time constraints for agenda items.
  • Note taker: Record attendance, meeting topics, and major decisions. The notes must be posted to the meeting minutes wiki page within one week of the meeting.

D. Conflict resolution

Conflicts will be handled in small mediation meetings. An outside mediator should be used. UC Davis mediation services should be used if necessary.

F. Food

We typically have potluck food and drinks at the meeting. Occasionally with consensus of the Church and adequate funds food and drinks can be purchased with Church money.

4. Fund raising

A. Parties

a. Burning Bike Festival

The Burning Bike Festival is held each year after the May Critical Mass. After mass riders return to the Church for food, drink, music, dancing, and bike games.

b. Dance Party Fundraiser

The Dance Party Fundraiser is held at the beginning of each school year. DJ's and music are provided, beer and drinks are sold, merchandise is sold, bicycles are raffled and bike games are played.


The Bike Church has a regular public service announcement on KDVS. It needs to be updated with current hours on a regular basis.

IV. Ministry Ethics

1. Profiteering

Ministers are not allowed to profit off of bicycles obtained and/or repaired at the Bike Church. Ministers should only build bicycles for personal use. Ministers can only work on two projects at a time. Ministers should not hoard all of the good bicycles and parts. These bicycles and parts should be made available to the patrons of the church.

2. Sexual harassment/personal space

The Bike Church should be a safe place for anyone to visit, regardless of age, sex, color, race, sexual orientation, or nationality. Mechanical repair has been traditionally a male dominated field. Today, a typical repair shop is usually made up entirely of men mechanics and often women are treated differently, in either subtle or not-so-subtle ways. Differences in treatment could include: mechanics assuming that women need more help than men and focusing their time with them, mechanics failing to explain the nature of technical problems to women (assuming they "won't get it" or are not interested), comments about a woman's appearance, objectifying signage, etc. Additionally, sometimes women may feel hesitant entering a male-dominated space or learning about a craft (such as mechanical repair) traditionally dominated by men. At the Bike Church, we like to behave consciously and create a mutually empowering space all at the same time.

Here are some tips to keep the BC a safe space:

  • Welcome all patrons to the BC and help them to understand what we are all about.
  • Be sure to help all patrons equally, being conscious of who you help, for how long and why.
  • Let everyone develop their own skills, assist only if a task is too difficult for the member.
  • If a patron looks confused, lost, or uncomfortable, offer assistance in a respectful way appropriate to the situation.
  • If you see behavior that seems inappropriate, disrespectful or that may make some patrons feel unwelcome or uncomfortable, say or do something about it. Ideally, this should be done in a non-confrontational way that helps those involved to understand why their behavior is not appreciated. Oftentimes, sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination can be very subtle and might go unnoticed. The offending person may not even realize that his/her behavior is inappropriate.
  • Ministers should not touch congregation members they do not know personally. Not everyone wants to be touched or hugged.

3. Empowering the parishioner etc.

The minister's primary mission should be to empower the one they are teaching and help raise the parishioner's skill level. Each minister has their own style of accomplishing this but kindness and respect are always good ideals to hold.

Topics the handbook should address

  • opening and closing procedures
  • volunteer section
  • congregation section
  • grievances
  • donations: money, material, volunteering
  • minster etiquette
  • women
  • bikebrary
  • project pile
  • buying bikes/selling bikes
  • handling money
  • recycling
  • recording donations
  • clean up
  • security
  • dealer orders
  • minister benefits
  • acolyte benefits
  • ministers storing stuff at church
  • fundraiser
  • burning bike festival
  • treasurer
  • listserv, email
  • wiki site
  • scheduling shifts, work parties, classes
  • classes
  • dealing with homeless and people that want to hang around all the time
  • velolution?
  • log book