Location |
1222 Rosario St. |
No drop-ins. Appointments only. |
Hours |
M-F 9-6, Occasional Saturdays |
Phone |
(530)758-3322 |
http://budharmonphotography.com |
Photography Studio. Family and high school senior portraits.
Davis has a wide variety of resources for Photography
Davis has a wide variety of resources for Photography
2005-10-05 18:51:29 Bud was a client at my old company and he was a very nice, upstanding man. He even had a photo retouched for me for free. I saw some examples of his work and it looked very good. —JanelleAlvstadMattson
2006-03-29 16:11:28 I went to Bud Harmon for my Madrigal photo two years ago. He was so friendly and treated me as his own friend. We even talked about guitars and he shoved out his old 12-string Gibson from the 60's or 70's and had me take a few photos with it! —JoeyBennett
2008-07-24 20:43:29 I got some shots from Bud for my senior portrait, he did a great job with my rabbit MUGA and I —StevenDaubert
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