Community Development
Staff Liasion
Stacey Winton
Phone Number
(530) 757-5610
Meeting Times
Second Wednesday of each month at 4:30pm
Meeting Place
Community Chambers, 23 Russell Blvd
Number of Members
11 Student & Community Members (voting members)
7 Non-voting members

The City-UCD Student Liaison Commission is one of the city's commissions that assists the City Council. It considers and makes recommendations on various issues of concern to the city and student communities. The commission meetings once a month on the second Wednesday from 4:30pm to 6:00pm in the Community Chambers at City Hall (on hiatus during July and August). Those with Internet access can easily get Commission agendas and reports by subscribing to the e-mail service or viewing the website.

Any citizen may address the commission in these manners: Contact the Chair of the commission and/or the City Manager's office to arrange to present their non-confidential issues to the commission during a meeting. Present their issues during the public comments time during a meeting. Anyone addressing the Commission will be treated with dignity, courtesy, and respect.

Goals & Objectives

  • Facilitate communication between the UC Davis students and the non-student citizens of Davis.
  • Research and improve outreach efforts for non-student citizens.
  • Develop, and periodically review and update, a comprehensive listing of the various issues and concerns that arise between UC Davis students and non-student citizens.
  • Develop, recommend and periodically update as appropriate, an action program for City Council consideration that will effectively deal with these mutual issues and concerns, with the emphasis on the approach being a preventative and educational one, and will contain a recommended allocation of program costs, if any, between the city, university and the community.
  • Review these projects: Noise Ordinance, lighting & safety issues, parking issues, housing issues, including forecasting projections, economic development/job opportunities for students
  • Improve joint use/sharing of UCD/City facilities & services
  • Perform such other functions and duties as may be directed by the City Council.

Members of the Commission

There are eleven voting members on the commission, six of which are students. Six voting members are needed for a a quorum necessary to hold meetings and conduct business.

Voting Members

Non-Voting Members

Past Chairs

  • 2009–2010 Chris Dietrich (ASUCD)
  • 2008–2009 Steven Lee (ASUCD)
  • 2007–2008 Steven Worker (public-at-large)
  • 2006–2007 Steven Worker (public-at-large)
  • 2005–2006 Steven Worker (public-at-large)
  • 2004–2005 Steven Worker (public-at-large) (started November 2004) & Richard Cipian (ASUCD) (March - November)
  • 2003–2004 Clinton Gutierrez (ASUCD)
  • 2002–2003 Andrew Glass
  • 2001–2002 Anthony Volkar (IFC)
  • 2000–2001 Molly Anne Meyn (ASUCD)