Danielle is an artist, teacher, and community organizer living in Davis, CA. She creates artworks that transforms people, places, and communities by working in a variety of mediums, including zines, performance, murals, audio, and posters. You can see some of her art here: www.daniellefodor.com.
Previous projects in media & the arts include: hosting the KDRT radio show "Sparkplug"; creating a oral history archive for The Domes, organizing the People's Republic of East Davis voter's guide, teaching oral history and coordinating the Art & Revolution workshop series at the Experimental College, organizing the California Co-op Conference, and co-founding the Davis Feminist Film Festival. She was the lead artist and teacher for community murals for the GEO program (Grant High School in Sacramento) and for the UC Davis Art-Science program (the A Street Bridge Mural and Center for Child and Family Studies mural in Davis).
This Fall, she is leading a mural on the DAC Shack at the Davis Art Center (DAC). The mural will be designed and painted in a series of workshops that are open for kids, teens, and adults, ages 10 and up. More info on the Davis Wiki events calendar.
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