The Davis Bicycles! steering committee (the "Handlebar group" as it was then known) on Sept 10, 2007. Left to Right: Russell Reagan, Ted Buehler, Peter Wagner, Mike Ransom, Leo Ranier, Nancy Davis, Jim Watson, Jeff Mischinski. Not pictured: Tom Burton, Joe Krovoza, Don Martinich, Robb Davis, Steve Tracy, Ken Celli, Mont Hubbard).
Description: |
Bicycle Advocacy Group for the City of Davis |
Email: |
[email protected] |
Websites: | |
Established: |
2007-02-15 |
Bike Davis was originally known as Davis Bicycles! - and the following is primarily only of historical interest
Davis Bicycles! Film Festival
The 4th Annual Davis Bicycles! Film Festival will take place on October 14, 2011 at 7 p.m. at the VMC Theater in Davis. We are currently seeking films on biking! We are also seeking volunteers to help with the event. Contact [email protected] to submit a film or to volunteer. The event is a fundraiser for bike advocacy in Davis, including the Safe Routes to School program.
Link to short version of Ted Buehler's thesis
Discussion Lists
You can subscribe to the DB! "Handlebar" list at:
Documents about the state of bicycling in Davis
M.S. Thesis: 50 years of Bicycle Policy in Davis, CA. (Ted Buehler, June 1, 2007)
Public presentation, Bicycling in Davis: Where we've been, where we're at, and where we can go. (Ted Buehler, Feb 26, 2007 at the Varsity Theater, sponsored by Davis Bicycles! and the institute for Transportation Studies)
California Bicycle Coalition board members visit the South Davis bike underpass in 2004.
Past Events
Bike to Market Themed rides HELP WRITE THE NEXT DAVIS BIKE PLAN (2007)
Davis has been a leader in bicycle planning since the 1960s. Since 2001, however, there have not been any major bike improvements in the bike plan. Davis Public Works and the Bicycle Advisory Commission have been working on elements of the plan for the last nine months. Now the public has the opportunity to suggest what we want Davis to look like in 20 years—what problems do we want fixed, what projects to we want built, and the programs do we want developed?
The plan's role is to identify all of the improvements in bicycle facilities do they can be planned for, budgeted, and built. Topics include new bike overpasses/underpasses, bike lanes, better connections between existing bike routes, and finishing the Davis Greenway. Also included is policy, from bike parking to bike education to bike law enforcement. The overall plan is designed to promote respect and appreciation amongst users of the different modes of transportation
All bicyclists—from casual bicyclists to road-racing cyclists—are welcome to submit your proposals and ideas.
For more information, contact Ken Celli [email protected]
Sept 12, 2007
40th Anniversary of Bike Lanes in Davis Bike Lane Pioneers will tell their story at Freeborn Hall, 5-6:30PM. Admission free. Brief ceremony and recognition at the Farmers Market at 7:15PM
2007 Farmers Market Schedule
Date | |
Set-up | |
8-10:30 AM | |
8-10:30 AM | |
10:30-12:30 | |
10:30-12:30 | |
Take-down | |
Notes | |
Sat, June 30 | |
Leo | |
Leo | |
Nancy | |
Ted | |
Jim | |
Leo | |
| | |
Sat, July 14 | |
Leo | |
Sarah | |
Don? | |
Ted | |
Russell? | |
Ted | |
Sustainability Fair @ Food Co-op, 11 - 3 | |
Sat, July 21 | |
Jim | |
- | |
- | |
Jim | |
Ted | |
Ted | |
- | |
Sat, Aug 4 | |
Ted | |
- | |
- | |
Joseph Stewart | |
Ted | |
Ted | |
- | |
Sat, Aug 18 | |
Sarah | |
Christal Waters | |
Peter & Jeri (9-10) | |
Nancy Davis | |
? | |
Leo | |
- | |
Sat, Sept 8 | |
? | |
? | |
? | |
? | |
? | |
? | |
- |
July 23, 2007
On Monday, July 23, 2007 from 7 - 9 p.m., Davis Bicycles! Will be holding a special meeting at the Davis Lutheran Church on the corner of 8th and B Street. The purpose of the meeting will be to invite members of the public to participate in writing sections of the Davis Bicycle Plan which will be submitted to the Davis Bicycle Advisory Commission for presentation to the Davis City Council this fall.
Aug 6, 2007
Handlebar Meeting (AKA Board of Directors) 6:30 - 8PM, 123 C St.
June 25, 2007
Kids on Bikes—What works, what doesn't, how can we improve? General Meeting, Davis Lutheran Church, 8th and B. 7 - 9PM
Lots of kids ride bikes in Davis. It's good for them. It keeps them fit, gives them freedom, and provides serious competition to Playstations. Kids on bikes are good for Davis, too. It keeps car-traffic down at schools and on roads, and keeps Moms and Dads from playing taxi-driver.
But, in a disturbing trend, lots of parents now drive their kids to school and sports practices in Davis. Is bicycling falling out of vogue? Can we do anything about it?
Come to learn, talk and scheme at the June Davis Bicycles! meeting.
We'll start out talking about the 2006 "Bike to AYSO" program, which restructures city soccer tournaments so most games were within biking distance of teams' neighborhoods, then encouraged kids to ride to games. Dr. Susan Handy of the Institute for Transportation Studies at UC Davis will present the results of the program and discuss how it can be more effective next year. Next, Amy King, coordinator of the May 2007 "Davis Jr. High Global Warming Challenge," which encouraged kids to ride or walk to school.
We'll talk about how these programs worked, how they can be expanded, and what we as a community can do to get more kids on bikes!
Monday, June 25, 7-9PM, Davis Lutheran Church (8th and B St.s)
June 11, 2007
Board Meeting, Cantina Del Cabo 6:30 - 8 PM.
June 2, 2007
What's Behind the Platinum Curtain—Tour of bicycle facilities in Davis—good and bad
This is a reminder to join Don Martinich on a sampling tour of some of Davis' bike paths, streets, over and under crossings, and, perhaps, a few hazards. We will leave from Central Park at the corner of B St. and Fifth at 10 AM. We'll ride through West Davis and then to the far northern boundary of the city, continuing down into East Davis and over the highway to the southern limits and then back into downtown. Then, I hope we can all get together for lunch and and exchange views on what we saw. The ride should take about 2 hours. The pace will be very relaxed- commute bikes are encouraged. Come join us and see what's "Behind the Platinum Curtain".
p.s. It probably wouldn't hurt to bring water bottles as it may not be all that available along the route.
June 4, 2007
Picnic in The Park and Work Bike Beauty Contest May General Meeting
You think you work hard?! Then take a few minutes and pay tribute to some of your hardest-working co-workers: bicycles!
Come join Davis Bicycles! for a potluck at Community Park on Monday, June 4th. Check out (and maybe even ride) some working bikes: kid-carrying, load-hefting, people-moving, human powered vehicles used in the U.S. and abroad. And then break bread with your fellow Davis bicycle enthusiasts and advocates. This is a purely social event, for we of like-mind to take a few minutes to decompress and share good food, conversation and maybe even our vision for what we can do to make Davis again a world leader in bicycle use and promotion.
Work bike viewing starting at 6:00 pm Potluck starting at 6:30 pm Location: Community Park picnic tables under the solar panels (by the community pool).
Please bring a dish to share and Davis Bicycles! will provide the drinks. As a guide, if your family name begins with A-M, please bring a main dish; N-S, a side dish like bread, veggies or salad; and T-Z, a dessert. In keeping with the good karma riding bikes bring, vegetarian dishes are encouraged. If you can't bring food, come anyway!
Please note this is Davis Bicycles! main membership group meeting, normally held on the fourth Monday of the month. This potluck was moved back a week to accommodate the holiday weekend.
And finally, if you have a working bike or a trailer or other conveyance that helps get things done, then bring it!
We look forward to an evening of sharing what's important: friends, food and bikes.
Odense Denmark
A success story of a city reversing its decline in bicycling By Lise Smidth April 22, 2007, Davis Lutheran Church (810 B St.), 7:00PM.
Bicycle Policy in Davis:
Past, Present and Possible Futures By Ted Buehler
Feb 26, 2007, 7:30PM, Varsity Theater. Admission Free. Panel discussion to follow.
Sponsored by: Varsity Theater and UC Davis Institute for Transportation Studies
Student presents history of bicycling in Davis
Invite to the public to form advocacy group. Article in the Davis Enterprise, Friday, 2007-02-23.
Davis commemorates 50 years of bicycling, Wednesday, 2007-02-28.
Group Message
Residents of Davis, California have gained much by being a bicycle-oriented city. Bicycle use has benefits on many levels. Bikes don't take up parking spaces downtown or on campus. Bikes make people healthy. Bikes don't pollute the air, or contribute to global climate change or the need for oil-based foreign policy. Bikes are much less expensive to operate than cars or buses. Bikes rarely run over children and small animals.
Davis has been known as "The Bicycling Capital of America" for over 40 years. What was it that brought this condition into being? Why didn't, say, Chico, CA, Tucson AZ or Corvallis, OR also become "bicycling capitals?" Were there things that Davis had that nobody else did? Is Davis secure in its title, or are other cities "catching up?" And why is bicycle use declining in Davis?
Come take a 50-year tour through Davis's bicycling history. From Chancellor Emil Mrak and his 1961 ambitions to building a bicycling campus to current bicycling issues on campus today. From the first bike lanes in Davis in 1967 to the Bike Tunnel under I-80 in 2000. Who were the people that made Davis a uniquely bicycle-friendly place? What resistance did they face? How were they so successful? Did they fall short of what might have been accomplished? What are the challenges Davis faces today? How do conditions today differ from 1960, 1970, or 1990? What can we learn from past successes to guide current efforts to facilitate more biking in Davis. What can we expect in 2010, 2020 or 2040?
A clear thread through Davis's history is the importance of civic advocacy. When there are groups working together to overcome obstacles and improve conditions for bicycling, improvements are made and more people bike. But, in times where groups have been weak or lacking, little progress is made. We hope that with this presentation we can begin a new age of public advocacy for improved conditions for bicycling, and choose a future for Davis that builds upon our past.
Ted Buehler has spent two years researching the history of bicycling in Davis for a Masters Thesis in the Institute for Transportation Studies, UC Davis. The event is a 50 minute presentation, followed by a half-hour QA/discussion.
This talk looks amazing! Has Ted Buehler finished his thesis? If so, is it up someplace on the web for viewing? —PhilipNeustrom
2007-02-26 22:27:12 If I remember correctly, Ted's thesis is finished, and will be available online in about a month. I missed where it'll be hosted, though - maybe the Institute of Transportation Services site? —GeoffJohnson
2007-03-02 04:50:34 I'm still putting the final touches on the the thesis, it should be available by March 20th. —TedBuehler
Is it available yet? —DavidGrundler
2007-05-17 04:50:34 I came down with Mono in late March, slowly getting back on my feet, now hoping to have it done the first week of June. I'll post it here when it's done! —TedBuehler
- Thanks Ted. Hope you are feeling better. —DavidGrundler
2007-05-17 04:50:34 I came down with Mono in late March, slowly getting back on my feet, now hoping to have it done the first week of June. I'll post it here when it's done! —TedBuehler
2007-09-05 01:06:24 Link to thesis is there on the top of the page. It was indeed done in early June, just took a while to get it posted. —TedBuehler
2011-09-20 22:09:49 Is this still active? I'm new to the Wiki, so don't want others to think I'm stupid. Have you all chimed in about the which has been given the go-ahead for initial schematic design, scoping and all that jazz? Just curious. —fknochenhauer
2011-09-21 22:54:50 fknochenhauer: check out —JasonMoore
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