Location |
536 Anderson Road |
Phone |
530-753-0500 |
Schedule: |
English Service: 9 AM |
English Sunday School: 10:30 AM |
Mandarin and Cantonese Services: 10:30 AM |
Mandarin and Cantonese Sunday School: 9 AM |
Children's Sunday School: 10:30 AM |
Web site: |
d-ccc.org |
Davis Chinese Christian Church (DCCC) is located in Davis, California, which is home to the University of California, Davis and known for being the "Bike Capital of America." We are a non-denominational church with Sunday services held in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. There are currently 15 fellowships that exist within DCCC to suit members of different ages, backgrounds, and spoken languages. DCCC also hosts church events and activities throughout the year, as well as supports various local charitable organizations. We invite you to join our church family in worship and in fellowship as we follow our Lord Jesus Christ.
Various Fellowships in DCCC:
1) College - Compass Fellowship
2) Young Adult - Acacia Fellowship
3) DCCF (大學生粵語團契) is a fellowship within the Davis Chinese Christian Church. We have meetings every Friday at 7:30PM (On Thursdays at 7:30PM during the Summer) at the church. Activities include Bible studies, different types of workshops, movie nights, and outdoor activities. Whether you are a Christian or a non-believer, we welcome you to learn more about God and building a relationship with Him within His love.