
This organization is a successor to Davis Students Against War


Please Note: in the past there has been an organization referred to as the Davis Students Against War, under the leadership of Karl Duesterberg. That organization has since fallen out and become inactive. THIS PAGE is not in reference to the old DSAW! The Current DSAWR was created in March of 2007 and is organized by KatieDavalos and Juliana Haber. The new organization refers to itself as the Davis Students Against War Resource, due to it's network-status. It does not identify as democratic or liberal.

Davis Students Against War Resource, or DSAWR, is a student effort to voice the youth's opposition to war, including current and future conflict. It is a network for the exchange of information in collaborative efforts by Davis youth. Davis Students Against War is a tool for the contact and coordination of peace efforts. We hope to inspire action in students and seek to create change through awareness. No one person or body represents DSAW and has no affiliations. They are in the process of becoming an official student organization.

Their protests against war include, but are not limited to:

  • compiling facts about the war in Iraq
  • the impact on global environment
  • the misallocation of funds
  • the lack of citizen and foreign support
  • the economic disparities that are inflicted or manipulated by the wagers of war
  • the ignorance of global standards of human rights and peace

and specifically:

  • the impact of war on students
  • the legality of the Iraq War and
  • the misrepresentation of information by government and media sources

Their forms of action to create change include: petitions, rallies, protests, boycotts, walk-outs, days of silence, and guest speakers.

DSAWR encourages members to speak about their thoughts and share opinions both within the network and among their peers. The goal of DSAW is to proliferate information and discussion regarding war. All suggestions and help is encouraged and welcomed to further the cause.

Upcoming Event(s)


SEPTEMBER 21st EVENT!! - Come celebrate INTERNATIONAL PEACE DAY and the first Iraq Moratorium Day, celebrated on the third friday of every month!!!!!

We will be hosting a moment of silence at 12:00pm at the local school as well as providing pinwheels for peace for everyone to decorate.

At 5:00pm there will be speakers (Including Dave Dionsi of Teach Peace, the Davis HS Teach Peace Club, and others) at CENTRAL PARK to discuss the need for peace locally as well as around the world, along with entertainment (kids and adults alike!) to celebrate our community of peace. These will be followed by a candlelight vigil in memory of all those lost to war and conflict, There will be particular emphasis on the civilian and military casualities of the Iraq War, the Gaza Strip, and the crisis in Darfur.

for more info:

Past Event(s)/Achievements

Informational Meeting Thursday March 8, 2007

March 18th ANSWER Protest

Student Walkout

UCD May 1, 2007: Day of Action

National Student Walkout

Wear White to Protest the Iraq War

Walkout of Class at 11:30

Panel on Iraq War

Wednesday, May 2nd


Rec Pool Lodge


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2007-03-11 19:24:33   COME JOIN US AT TABLING THIS WEEK!!! —LaurenFrederic

2007-03-17 15:01:15   Interested in carpooling for the protest tomorrow? email me! —KatieDavalos