Eric Friedman graduated from UC Davis in 2008 with a BA in Political Science and a minor in Global and International Studies. He served as an ASUCD Senator from Fall 2006 - Fall 2007. During his term, Eric initiated many major projects, all of which have had a lasting impact on the UC Davis community. He is currently a Youth Crew Leader for the Montana Conservation Corps based in Helena, Montana.
Eric was instrumental in the allocation of funds for the electrical outlet expansion of the University Library's Extended Hours Reading Room, along with former ASUCD President Kareem Salem. Eric's principle accomplishment, the passage of an ASUCD Senate Resolution calling on the UC Regents to reinstate the University of California's study abroad program to Israel, was introduced nearly verbatim as California State Senate Resolution 18 SR.18 by former State Senator Carole Migden (D-San Francisco) on January 17, 2008, Eric's Birthday. The resolution was unanimously adopted by the California State Senate on July 7, 2008. As a consequence, the University of California has finally decided to reverse course, and tentatively beginning in the Fall of 2009, the University of California will reopen it's study abroad program at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Eric also authored numerous pieces of legislation and bylaw revisions, which are listed below. He also worked with Campus Union administrators to begin the practice of keeping the Memorial Union open 24 hours a day during finals week.
Eric is a brother of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity and served as Rush Chair in the Fall of 2007. He also was an active leader in the Jewish community, serving as the Secretary of the Jewish Student Union, and a Board member of Hillel at Davis and Sacramento. In addition to his leadership responsibilities, he worked as a Campus Tour Guide for UC Davis Visitor Services and volunteered as a Transfer Panelist for Undergraduate Admissions recruitment events. Eric enjoys to go hiking and rock climbing in his spare time, and loves to talk about politics.
Eric originally ran for the ASUCD Senate on the Student Focus Slate, though subsequently contributed to the formation of the GO slate during the Fall 2007 ASUCD Election.
Legislation Authored
- SB #37: An ASUCD Senate Bill to require Senators to hold office hours in a public venue.
- SR #9: An ASUCD Senate Resolution to support affordable textbook legislation in the CA State Senate.
- SR #11: An ASUCD Senate Resolution to recommend that the University of California revise its Education Abroad Policies.
- SB #64: An ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $180 from Senate Reserves to the Northern California Hillel Leadership Retreat.
- SR #19: An ASUCD Senate resolution to extend condolences to those affected by the Virginia Tech tragedy
- SB #73: An ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $6,960 from Capital Reserves to the Extended Hours Reading Room Outlet Expansion
- SB #6: An ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $575 to the Campus Judicial Board and ASUCD Integrity Scholarship
Accomplishments as an ASUCD Senator
- Brought 144 new power outlets to the twenty-four hour study room.
- Advocated for the reinstatement of the UC Study Abraod program to Israel.
- Got Griffin Lounge Open Twenty Four Hours during finals week - Spring Quarter 2007.
- Worked with members of Campus Judicial Board to re-create and fund the ASUCD / CJB Integrity Scholarship.
- Mandated all ASUCD Senators serve their office hours in a public venue.
- Co-founded the GO slate
Other Campus Involvement
- Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
- UC Davis Tour Guide
- Undergraduate Admissions Panalist
- Jewish Student Union Secretary
- Hillel Board of Directors
Fall 2006 Candidate Statement
My name is ERIC FRIEDMAN, and I’m running with STUDENT FOCUS to represent you on the ASUCD Senate! I love this school and if elected, I will be committed to responsibly serving our student community!
I transferred to UC Davis in the fall of 2005, after spending a year and a half at Santa Monica College, a community college in Los Angeles. As an ASUCD senator, I will be an advocate for transfer students because I realize what an invaluable resource the community college system is for those that need a second chance to get into a top tier university like UC Davis! I am now a senior majoring in International Relations and minoring in Middle East / South Asian Studies and Jewish Studies. I have a strong work ethic, and over the past year, I have been involved in different campus organizations that have given me excellent leadership experiences.
My activities and experience:
- Commissioner, Academic Affairs Commission
- Jewish Student Union Secretary
- Alpha Epsilon Pi Brother
- Recruiter for Undergraduate Admissions and Visitor Services
- UC Davis Tour Guide
- Canvasser for Campaign to Save the Environment (I collected money over the summer to help support various environmental organizations.)
- Event Assistant for the UC Davis School of Law.
- Photographer for Campus Recreation
- Aggies for Israel member
What I want to accomplish as a senator:
I would like to see ASUCD outreach more effectively to the student community.
- Have an ASUCD resource fair every quarter, instead of just in the spring, that would include workshops designed to educate students about ASUCD
- Reinstitute Public Opinion Polls to add credibility to senate resolutions
- Increase voter turnout by creating physical polling stations and incentives to vote (for instance, if you volunteer and get ten people to vote, you win a prize)
- Work more collaboratively with Aggie Pack to co-sponsor events
I believe that promoting inter-cultural awareness is vital to the welfare of all students.
- Work with the Cross Cultural Center to develop a culture fair, which would showcase all the different culturally oriented organizations on campus
- I support the creation of a One Voice chapter on campus, which is a group composed of both Israelis and Palestinians that are working together to find solutions for peace.
I would like to see some internal ASUCD reforms that promote transparency and accountability among senators.
- Develop an Attorney General position to hold senators accountable
- Make the association’s budget available online ...enjoy!
we would like the budgets of each agency available as well.
Make more services available to you!
- Support the creation of a centralized resource building that has a 24 study room and cafe!
- Expand the amount of electrical outlets in the 24 Hour Reading Room
VOTE THE MAN!!! FREEEED MAN!! Please join my facebook group:
Student Focus Fall 2006 Platform - We're Here For You!
We'll Provide More Entertainment for You
- Bring more bands and performers to the quad free of cost to you
- Increase sports and recreation events that you can participate in
We'll Improve Existing Services for You
- Work for the expansion and reliability of wireless internet access on campus
- Work toward getting you units for taking classes at the Experimental College
We'll Provide More Information for You
- Adopt-a-club - We'll regularly come to your clubs and groups even after we're elected to keep you informed
- Create a centralized website for you to learn about student organizations and for existing groups to post info for new members
- (like or Student Organizations?)
- Either improve upon the spac website or create a new one to allow existing groups to better educate students about their group.
We'll Make Your Money Work Harder for You
- Money spent on events that target the greater student community
- Make sure your money is responsibly allocated to student groups and student services that benefit you
Wasn't Eric also the VP for the Queer Student Union? JimSchwab
- Wouldn't that be a positive thing? What are you implying? —SteveOstrowski
- I was asking a real question because I thought he held that position-which would be a positive thing.- JimSchwab
- I bet you would love to assist a Student Focus candidate. —SteveOstrowski
I was just an active member of QSU last spring quarter. I held some meetings at my house and paid about $150 for a BBQ at Rainbow City Park. I was in the process of initiating a coup d'etat, (or majorly reforming the organization, however you look at it), but others in the Queer community were resistant to my reforming efforts. So, I decided to become a senator. —EricFriedman
2007-11-24 17:27:12 Eric, the more you and other people visit your page on Wiki, the higher it'll be in the google search. If you're concerned about future employers finding it, then I'd advise that you let them realize the context of all the information. As someone who has been on in your shoes, I suggest that you delete all "slanderous" information and explain how it is slanderous, then leave the page be. —AndrewBianchi
2007-11-24 17:59:56 Eric was probably the worst Senator I've seen in ASUCD. His actions appear to indicate a lust for power without regard to the rules or other people, and he frequently ignores the advice of others. Even the senators who did nothing in their terms did a better job than he did. —BrentLaabs
2007-11-24 22:44:42 People can't walk off wiki like they can out of Senate meetings... —AndrewBianchi
2008-06-06 11:54:05 I just want to take a moment to thank Eric Friedman for his unequivocal display of his true character. It has been easy for me to determine just what sort of person he is based on his comments, especially on ["Fall 2007 ASUCD Election/Talk"]. The Senator has shown with great predictability his marrow of impertinent conceit and sarcasm. It is evident to me that Eric Friedman is nothing but an uncaring politico who realizes the student body's majority obliviousness to the comments he makes. —GregRobinson
2008-12-11 01:22:55 i didnt know about the california state senate resolution. Thats awesome Eric!
What does being a young professional consist of? —StevenLee
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