Taken 2007-03-16 by David Grundler CC-BY-4.0
Location |
2800, 2820, & 2840 5th Street |
(corner of 5th Street & Pena Drive) |
Directly West of Fifth Street Plaza |
Fifth Street Commerce Center currently has the following tenants:
Taken 2007-03-16 by David Grundler CC-BY-4.0
2016-02-09 21:11:19 Don't park in their parking lot, or they will vandalize your car. I made the mistake of parking in an UNMARKED space right next to R&R. Many of the spaces in that lot say "No R&R parking", so assuming those were special designated spaces, I parked in one that did not have that designation. When I got back, there was a notice (with the names Paul Johnson, DDS; Dagon Jones, DDS; Park, Vaughan, Fleming & Dowler LLP, Breyta) saying I was illegally parked, which was fine (I didn't know--now I do!). BUT, what was awful was that they stuck a very large, bright orange (5" x 7") sticker on my window threatening to tow me. A large sticker that was VERY difficult to remove. It took me about 30 minutes of scraping with a knife to get that off. I call that vandalism, and a nasty way to treat members of your community, especially in such an ambiguous space. A notice would have sufficed. And to top it off, this parking lot was wide open, with lots of empty spaces adjacent to their business. Don't worry folks, I won't park there ever again, and especially not to patronize your business. —keocb
- There are two signs at each entrance to the parking lot, as well as stenciling on the ground at the entrances to the parking lot indicating that the parking is for Fifth Street Commerce Center only, and not for Right & Relevant. Most of the spaces are stenciled as well, but not all of them were during your visit because cars were parked in those spots when the stenciler was working. The lot is clearly on property that is not associated with R&R. Not what one would call "ambiguous." I'm truly sorry that you had trouble removing the sticker. They are provided by the tow company, and most people have no problem removing them. A number of people have peeled them right off and thrown them on the ground in the parking lot. It's a little much to accuse the property manager of vandalism. Your vehicle was not deliberately damaged or destroyed. You were merely inconvenienced. I would think that notice of illegal parking is a much better way to treat members of the community than to just proceed with towing vehicles. The number of open spaces in the lot is immaterial. Anyway, welcome to the wiki. I hope that you choose to stick around and add positive contributions to other pages. —DavidGrundler
2016-03-02 18:38:57 Signs at the entrance to the parking lot are legally sufficient. I don't have any personal experience with the orange 5" x 7" stickers, but I've seen other people dealing with them, and the ones I've seen do verge on vandalism. DavidGrundler is not someone to blow smoke, in my experience online, so I will only say that I'll hope to ride a bike if I ever want to go to either R&R or the Commerce Center. —DougWalter
- I think the real problem is that R&R doesn't have enough parking spots in their lot to accommodate their clients. In addition, Carlton didn't plan for enough spots either, and the streets are filled up with cars. People tend to park in this lot for R&R, and then the clients of this center have no place to park. The real problem is what I see as the "entitlement" attitude. Even when our property manager pleasantly approaches people and tells them that they cannot park here for R&R, many of them get indignant and then just go into R&R anyway. Some people begrudgingly move. Some say thank you an move. One person called the police and then argued with the officer that showed up and told her that she couldn't park here. We like to be good neighbors, but we also need to cater to the needs of our tenants. Unfortunately, the orange stickers provided by the tow company are the "legal recourse" that we have if we want to take action. —DavidGrundler
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