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Filipinx in Liberal Arts and Humanities (FILAH) is a Filipinx American organization, as implied by its name, that unites Fil-Am students in events related to Liberal Arts and Humanities. FILAH was established as an organization at the University of California, Davis in March 1988. Although FILAH went on hiatus several times after its establishment, we have been going strong for over 10 years now. Our mission is to provide social, academic, cultural, and personal support to students in the various liberal arts, humanities, and social science fields. FILAH's programs adhere to this mission, allowing artistic and social outlets to its members, while contributing to the community at large with events that preserve Filipinx heritage and challenge current sociopolitical issues. It is also a means for expression within the UC Davis Fil-Am community.The organization is open to people of all backgrounds, not just Filipinxs.
FILAH is one of six Filipinx–American student organizations that comprise the Fil–Am at UC Davis.
Announcements (Upcoming Events):
General Meetings
General Meetings are held once every quarter. For more information regarding general meetings, visit our Facebook group or ask one of our officers.
FILAH hosts and participates in a number of events throughout the academic year. Our most popular events are: America is in the Mic (AIITM), America is on the Stage (AIOTS), FILAH Spring Open Mic, Halo Halloween, F*** Valentine's Day, Dialogue Meetings, and Kinabukasan Magazine. FILAH holds these events once every quarter: open mics, career panels, kick-its, & dialogues.
America is in the Mic
America is in the Mic (AIITM) is a play on words based off of Filipino writer Carlos Bulasan's book, "America is in the Heart." AIITM is an open mic normally held during Fall quarter.
America is on the Stage
America is on the Stage (AIOTS) is a stage show that features short plays written and directed by students featuring student actors as well. Members get to experience the thrill of performing on stage in various plays utilizing the lighting, stage, and ambiance of our theater venue. AIOTS is held once every year usually during Winter quarter.
For more information, please contact Kim Velarde ( or Aurora Sanchez (
FILAH Idol was founded by FILAH Core 2009-2010. This showcase features performers that vie for the title as FILAH Idol in an American Idol-esque show. The grand prize for becoming FILAH Idol is being featured in a music video with the current year's FILAH Core. FILAH Idol is held once every year usually during Spring quarter.
FILAH Idol 2010: Louise Ramos FILAH Idol 2011: Jared Crisologo-Smith FILAH Idol 2012: Krizzia Manlangit FILAH Idol 2013: Cassia Crisologo Smith FILAH Idol 2014: Mellanie De Guzman FILAH Idol 2015: Miguel Guerrero
Halo Halloween and F*** Valentine's Day
Halo Halloween is a play on words of the traditional Filipinx dessert, Halo-Halo. Halo Halloween is held once every year in the month of October as a social gathering (kick-it) for our members. At Halo Halloween, members get to enjoy a scary movie, Halo-Halo among other desserts and goodies, and the company of others.
F*** Valentine's Day is an anti-Valentine's Day celebration. At F*** Valentine's Day (aka F*** V-Day), members get to enjoy food, cold and pricklies (anti-warm and fuzzies), video games, and an anti-romantic movie. F*** V-Day is held once every year in the month of February. Couples and singles alike are welcome.
Kinabukasan Magazine
Originally, Kinabukasan Magazine was a research magazine under Filipino Cultural Research Organization (FilCRO) until it was transferred to FILAH in 1999. Since then, the magazine has evolved to include personal writings, drawings, and photography along with the research articles about Filipino culture or heritage. Kinabukasan Magazine is traditionally released at the end of the academic year at Fridge-AH Banquet (a banquet in collaboration with Bridge), sometimes known as KB Release Party. If you would like to submit something to KB Magazine, please contact the current KB Editor or if you would like a copy mailed to you, please contact the current president.
FILAH board is comprised of the following elected board officials: President, Internal Vice–President, External Vice–President, Treasurer, Secretary, Fundraising Chair, Publicity Chair, Banquet Coordinator, Community Chair, Outreach Chair, Herstorian, Kinabukasan Editor, Career Panel Coordinator, Videographer, Webmaster, Food Chair, and FILAH Intern.
If you are interested in applying for a board position for 2016-2017, please contact Kim Velarde ( or Aurora Sanchez ( for a board application.
2016-2017 FILAH Core
- Aurora Sanchez and Kim Velarde, Co-Presidents
- Jhoann Batac, Treasurer
- Julienne Correa, Secretary
- Camille Ocampo, Fundraising Chair
- David Villanueva, Outreach/Community Chair
- TJ Velasco, Kinabukasan Editor
- Aryssa Barrairo-Cuba, Intern
- Maeblis Halog, Career Panel Coordinator
- Jessica Difuntorum, Herstorian
Natalie Ferrer, Videographer
Possible Positions Still Available: Academic Chair, Publicity Chair, Banquet Coordinator, Webmaster
2015-2016 FILAH Core
- Isabel Bagsik and Chryslea Cosme, Co-Presidents
- Mica Allian, Treasurer
- Sabrina Lee, Secretary
- Katrina Hermoso, Fundraising Chair
- Aliana Garcia, Publicity Chair
- Jeremy Condez, Outreach/Community Chair
- Kim Velarde, Kinabukasan Editor
- TJ Velasco, Banquet Coordinator
- Gary Tam, Webmaster
- Danielle Magadia, Food Chair
- Tao Manacmul, Intern
- David Villanueva, Career Panel Coordinator
- Tammie Landicho, Herstorian/ Videographer
Possible Positions Still Available: Academic Chair
2014-2015 FILAH Core
- Nickole Caimol and Melissa Villaber, Co-Presidents
- J.C. Imperio Solar, Treasurer
- Chryslea Cosme, Secretary
- Joy Sanchez, Fundraising Chair
- Gary Tam, Publicity Chair
- Chloe Hofschneider, Outreach/Community Chair
- Isabel Bagsik, Herstorian
- Leslie Do, Videographer
- Darlene Varquez, Career Panel Coordinator
- Aliana Garcia, Kinabukasan Editor
- Sandra Gutierrez, Banquet Coordinator
- TJ Velasco, FILAH Intern
Possible Positions Still Available: Food Chair, Webmaster
2013—2014 FILAH Core
- Taylor Fulwiler, President
- Nickole Caimol, Vice President
- Claudine Joy Sanchez, Treasurer
- Sandra Gutierrez, Secretary
- Leslie Canones, Fundraising Chair
- Isabel Bagsik, Publicity Chair
- Gerald Malixi, Outreach/Community Chair
- Christine Mateo, Herstorian
- Lily Leaño, Videographer
- Chloe Hofschneider, Kinabukasan Editor
- Melissa Villaber, Banquet Coordinator
- Matthew Estipona, Career Panel Coordinator
- Jon Guo, Webmaster
- Andy Vu, FILAH Intern
2012—2013 FILAH Core
- Rissa Marasigan, President
- Taylor Fulwiler, Vice President
- Sandra Gutierrez, Treasurer
- Melissa Villaber, Secretary
- Leslie Canones, Fundraising Chair
- AJ Lopez, Publicity Chair
- Christine Mateo, Outreach/Community Chair
- Nickole Caimol, Herstorian
- Claudine Joy Sanchez, Videographer
- Francis Espiritu, Kinabukasan Editor
- Shayline Loanzan, Banquet Coordinator
- Derrick Guerrero, Webmaster
2011—2012 FILAH Core
- Christine Erfe, President
- Rissa Marasigan, Vice President
- Micha Marasigan, Treasurer
- Vanessa Gonzales, Secretary
- Donna Ibarra, Fundraising Chair
- Krissy Ocampo, Publicity Chair
- Paige Natividad, Community Chair
- Ricardo Juni, Outreach Chair
- Justine Mercadal, Kinabukasan Editor
- Kirby Araullo, Historian
2010—2011 FILAH Core
- Kaye Caburnay, President
- Dennison Gallardo, Internal Vice–President
- Christine Erfe, External Vice–President
- Rissa Marasigan, Treasurer
- Donna Ibarra, Secretary
- Anna de Guzman, Fundraising Chair
- Michelle Biteng, Co-Publicity Chair/Webmaster
- Vanessa Gonzales, Co-Publicity Chair/Webmaster
- Brandon Asilo, Banquet Coordinator
- Miguel Asuzano, Community Chair
- Alyson Sagala, Outreach Chair
- Norman Borgonia, Kinabukasan Editor
- Avigale De Asis, Career Panel Coordinator
- Krissy Ocampo, Herstorian
- Justine Mercadal, Videographer
- Courtney Lorca, President
- Kaye Caburnay, Vice President
- Randall Ruidera, Treasurer
- Christine Erfe, Secretary
- Donna Ibarra, Publicity Chair
- Avigale De Asis, Community Chair/Outreach Chair
- Anna De Guzman, Kinabukasan Editor
- Dennison Gallardo, Historian
- John Harlow Altez, Banquet Coordinator
- Vincent Yasay, Webmaster
- Lauren Dimapasoc, President
- Courtney Lorca, Internal Vice President
- Joanne Lasola, External Vice President
- Christian Borgonia, Treasurer
- Kaye Caburnay, Secretary
- Leoangelo Cristobal, Publicity Chair
- Natasha Sana, Community Chair/Outreach Chair
- Marc Balderama, Kinabukasan Editor
- Christine Erfe, Herstorian
- Emily Chan, Banquet Coordinator
- Kelsey Yoro, President
- Lauren Dimapasoc, Vice President
- Dennis Perez, Treasurer
- Courtney Lorca, Secretary
- Jo Anne Lasola, Publicity Chair/Kinabukasan Editor/Webmaster
- Anthony Esposo, Historian
- Christian Borgonia, Co-Banquet Coordinator
- Monique Macasaet, Co-Banquet Coordinator
Membership to FILAH is open to all students, regardless of background or major. If you wish to get in contact with us or want to get on our list serve, please contact the current President.
FILAH maintains an active relationship with its alumni and extends invitations for alumni to participate in activities benefiting them and current members. If you wish to get on the alumni list serve, please contact the current Vice President. FILAH also started a quarterly alumni newsletter (2011-2012). The contents include recaps of the previous quarter, what is to come next quarter, and featured pieces by alumni. If you would like to submit a piece to the newsletter, please contact the current Vice President.
FILAHumni Newsletter FILAHumni Newsletter Fall 2011 FILAHumni Newsletter Winter 2012 FILAHumni Newsletter Spring 2012 FILAHumni Newsletter 2013 FILAHumni Newsletter Winter 2014
See also: FILAH Alumni Facebook Group FILAH Alumni Tumblr
Pictures from Events
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