Gianni Rosas-Maxemin is an independent candidate for ASUCD Senate in the Fall 2008 ASUCD Election.
Gianni Rosas-Maxemin can be described as a "Doer". Someone that wakes up in the morning and makes positive changes in society, one step at a time. To the student he is known as the book worm, to the family he is known as the Soprano, to the business partner he is known as the "rake" and for everyone else he is known as Gianni. He is exceptionally hard working, motivated, energetic and engaged with a profound interest in society, judicial values, helping and contributing to the well-being of others.
Extracurricular activities include:
- Active member of Theta Xi Fraternity,
- External Affairs Commissioner (EAC) for UC Davis,
- Vice President of Senate,
- Senator and Media & Communications Coordinator of ASFC,
- Student Representative on Scheduling Committee for ASFC,
- Student Representative on Curriculum Committee for ASFC,
- Captain of the Palo Alto High Varsity Wrestling Team,
- Statewide experience for Student Government at: SSCCC, COUGH, PUENTE and CCCSAA.
Volunteer Service Includes:
- Speaker for the UC Davis PUENTE program during a Conference Transfer Panel,
- Tour guide for college campus tours for underprivileged/troubled
- Smoking Awareness representative for the students at Foothill College,
- +/- grading and Block scheduling representative for the students at Foothill College,
- Speaker on behalf of the students at Foothill College at the San Jose City Hall for the VTA Bus routes,
- Community Charitable Service organizer,
- Wine cultivation in Portola Valley,
- Environmental awareness (ACTERRA)
Platform Issues: As a Senator I will make sure our UC Davis degree holds the highest value with the best diverse faculty in both ethnicity and opinion. I will make sure the course load is highly competitive so that when we graduate and UC Davis rises, our majors will become a more valuable commodity in the marketplace. If elected, I will work with the Downtown Business Association and bike shops in Davis to provide downtown discounts. Growing up in a college town, I witnessed all of downtown Palo Alto welcome their local Stanford students with handsome discounts. WE CAN TOO! During high season when Davis stores are flooded with student purchases and bike prices never seemed to be so high, it would be nice to find a cheaper resource locally. Lastly, students NEED feel protected. In spring 2008, the governor made cuts across the board which was essential for many undergraduate students. An additional cut is in process this fall quarter. I can promise to be an advocate for financial aid students every quarter by making sure the Financial Aid office receives minimal budget cuts.
If you are a UC Davis student please remember,
This November 12-14th, vote for a pure candidate, vote FOR the students, and VOTE Gianni # 1 for ASUCD Senate
Come visit my other sites online: Facebook page: "Vote Gianni #1 FOR ASUCD SENATE FALL 2008" Youtube:
2008-11-11 15:13:45 Since you plan on working with the DDBA and other businesses in Davis, do you have any plans to either: (a) increase sponsorships for units such as Cal Aggie Camp, (b) increase advertising income for units such as Classical Notes or The California Aggie? —BrentLaabs
2008-11-11 23:41:11 I think Gianni will make a good Senator. I haven't been blown away by him, but he hasn't made me leery of him either. If I were voting for more than two people, he would be my number 3 pick. If Garettt pulls a Biseto, I see GRM getting elected. Even if that doesn't happen, he still strikes me as the independent most likely to win. —JoseBleckman
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