Gordon Bell moved to Davis with his family in 1982. While a student at Pioneer School he became good friends with Lucas Taber, AdamFlowers, Steve Walter and Jon Chiri, amongst others. Gifted with a beautiful baritone voice, Gordon became a member of the Davis High School Madrigal Singers in 1990 and portrayed several roles in Davis High School musical productions between the years of 1991 and 1993. He is perhaps best remembered in Davis High School Drama-Geekdom for his portrayal of Tommy in the 1993 production of Brigadoon.
Gordon is a graduate of the Davis High School Class of 1993, a charter member of Keever and a rabid San Francisco 49er fan.
He currently lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife Sara and their two daughters.
Mr. Bell could recently be seen on a half-hour infomercial for BowFlex.
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