A typical view of Hart
Hart circa 1952, looking almost identical to the above photo with the exception of the lettering above the entryway.
A wonderful thing about Hart, an accentuation of its beautiful exterior design, is its audio/visual lab: containing computers, scanners (including slide/negative scanners1), and videotaped lectures.
Employees of Campus Safety Escort Service provide security in Hart on weekends and during weeknights, based at their desk in the main entry hall.
Hart Hall, formerly known as the Animal Sciences Building, was built in 1928. In fact, you can still tell where the building used to read "Animal Sciences" instead of "George Hart Hall." It was one of the first "permanent" buildings on campus and is now a nationally registered historic place. It was named for George H. Hart, a longtime Animal Science department chair who contributed significantly to the development of scientific emphasis within the department and who later became the first Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine.
Renovation: The building was renovated 1991-2 to look like it does today. Before it took on the somewhat Spanish/Mission style, it looked a lot like the ugly Hunt Hall. The University, when it puts its mind to it can do some awesome renovations. Shields Library is another awesome example of this.
Hart Hall became a designated historical site in 1986.
View from the courtyard
The exterior is natural earth color.
2007-10-09 18:10:37 a good place to meet people who know what's up and ready to get down with some revolution. —JessicaRockwell
2007-10-10 13:21:51 Apparently Hart Hall looked drastically different before it was remodelled. Can anyone locate any pictures? —JaimeRaba
2009-02-19 23:00:15 The most disgusting ladies restrooms I've ever encountered. —strawberry
2009-05-29 04:46:49 more like, the most informing and educated bathrooms i've ever encountered. freedom walls. —alcatraz
2010-03-12 08:14:22 Pretty much the best complab on campus, especially for people w/laptops who want a solid place to sit & do actual work @ a desk and not on some picnic bench or grassy knoll. —longboardlover
1. Make sure you ask for the negative holder for the slide scanner machine if you want to live cheaply and scan negatives. But this isn't as easy as it sounds. When I tried to scan my negatives, the CRC could not figure out how to work the damn thing.
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