Location |
1111 Richards Boulevard | |
Hours | |
By Appointment Only: July 8-13, August 5 - 10, 2012 | |
Appointments are available online at www.AcupunctureDavis.com | |
Qi Gong Classes Wednesdays 8:30 am - 9:20 am on July 11, Aug. 8th, 2012 | |
Phone | |
(530) 219-9337 | |
Website | |
http://www.AcupunctureDavis.com |
Owner |
Alzada Magdalena L. Ac. |
Established |
In Davis since 1992 |
Payment Method(s) |
Cash, Check |
Scheduling Appointments |
Check out our Online Scheduling!! Or call 530-219-9337 |
"In 2018 [Alzada Magdalena] closed down the California commute and renamed her practice Prineville [Oregon] Acupuncture and Healing Center."
The Healing Arts offers acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Qi Gong classes and massage as part of the healing strategy to bring you to optimum health and fitness. Patients come for stress relief, muscle pains and strains, or to solve long standing health and functional problems. Each treatment is individually considered to work with your lifestyle, needs and personal strengths. A combination plan using acupuncture, bodywork, diet, and exercises is worked out to best relieve your particular symptoms.
In 2011, Alzada Magdalena, L. Ac. moved to Central Oregon, where she has begun an extension of the Healing Arts, called Healing Arts North. [http://healingartsnorth.com She returns to Davis once a month for a week to take care of patients. Her summer schedule is listed above. If you have been a patient of the Healing Arts, feel free to make an appointment online at www.AcupunctureDavis.com. If you are new, and contemplating acupuncture treatment, please call her at 530-219-9337 to discuss your health goals. If she feels that you will be better served with frequent appointments, she is happy to refer you to local acupuncturists.
Healing Arts Summer Schedule: Alzada Magdalena is in Davis once a month for a week to see patients. You can make appointments online at http://www.AcupunctureDavis.comShe also hosts Davis Diamond Way Buddhist meditations and Chi gong classes while in Davis. July 8 - 13: Acupuncture AppointmentsJuly 10: 7:30 pm Davis Diamond Way Buddhist Meditations free/ donationJuly 11: 8:30am - 9:30 am Qi gong class $10/studentAug 5 - 10: Acupuncture AppointmentsAug 7: 7:30 pm Davis Diamond Way Buddhist Meditations free/ donationAug 8 8:30am - 9:30 am Qi gong class $10/studentCall for location 530-219-9337 |
Alzada Magdalena, L. Ac. focuses on creating an individual treatment plan of acupuncture, diet, exercises and meditations to bring people to good health. Each person identifies the important elements of health in a different way - some wish to be able to run marathons without injury; others want to be able to garden; others focus on mental awareness or on reducing pain levels. Alzada's desire is to work with you so that you are able to live at the level of health and livliness that matters most to you, unencumbered by pain and dysfunction. As we get older, that takes some intentional effort! It is worth it, and it can be fun.
To help people with specific exercises, Qi Gong classes are offered on Wednesday mornings ( July 11, and Aug 8 2012) at at 8:30 am - 9:30 am. Classes are $10 each. Qi Gong exercises are a combination of breath, awareness and gentle movement or still poses that free up the flow of Qi (life force or energy) in the body. Qi gong is traditionally practiced for long life, good health, better focus, flexibility, and stamina. Qi Gong exercises are helpful in ridding yourself of the anger and frustration that comes from dealing with difficult people and difficult jobs, improving balance and flexibility, and bringing in good and healing energy that counteracts the exhaustion that comes from stress and worry. It feels great!
During classes we use both moving, standing and still poses, learn different breath styles, and both cleansing and accumulating exercises. For those of you who are new to Qi Gong, you will leave with a number of exercises that you can practice at home. Alzada Magdalena has studied Medical Qi Gong extensively, and so during classes she will tell you what conditions are best improved with which exercises. In addition to increasing ease of movement and function in the body, Qi Gong can also help shift physical pain and emotional pain as well. There are specific exercises for asthma, anxiety, digestive disorders, joint and muscle pains, to name a few.
People keep coming back because they enjoy the effects so much. Qi Gong is very effective on both mental, emotional, and physical levels. We will go over a core set of Qi Gong teachings in class, as well as skills to help make the teachings more useable in every day life. Qi Gong releases old energy blockages, and enables the body to come to a biodynamic balance - we are working to come to a healthy balance of physical, emotional and mental awareness.
Appointments can be made on the website: The website at http://www.AcupunctureDavis.com. If you have any questions, just give her a ring - 530-219-9337. She will look forward to hearing from you! Alzada
2010-02-03 10:31:20 Alzada's acupuncture treatments have helped me with my painful hands, back and neck. My stress levels are lower and I sleep better and I have lost weight. And Qi Gong classes are fun! The stretching and the meditation help me through out the day. I highly recommend The Healing Arts! —RTalamantez —RTalamantez
2011-07-13 10:16:51 I went to Alzada for a knee injury. My job/hobbies require a lot of hiking and strain so I wanted to heal my knee quickly.My knee was about 80% improved after seeing her only two times, and about 90% by the third. Along with helping my knee, I was really stressed out at the time and she was able to use acupuncture to relax me. She has an incredible, natural touch and I wish I could go to her every day! —LenaSchiffer
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