Keith the Dog lives with MikeyBurke at Empty House. Keith has learned, under extensive training, how to high five. He has also learned how to talk1. I think, under these circumstances, Keith should have more rights than most babies (some of them don't even know how to high five, and most of them don't know how to talk). So please, allow Keith to enter your store, house, or restaurant. He certainly doesn't like sitting in the car unless it is moving.

Dear Keith is a mix of African Basenji and Queensland Heeler. His ears perk up, making him look like a coyote. He has a number of hobbies: wrestling with Brett Hart, RishiTrivedi and MikeyBurke, making out with BudCutino and stealing the food of GonzaloEyzaguirre and JenndelaVega.

Keith is able to stand on his hind legs for very long periods of time.


1. So far he can only say hello