New Year's Day, according to the Roman Calendar, falls on January 1. However, the New Year of the calendar year has less significance to students, who generally feel the new year begins in August or September (depending on whether they're on the quarter or semester system). The New Year under the lunar, Judaic... or most any other calendar tends always to fall on a different day.

The day before New Year's Day is called New Year's Eve, and falls on December 31 of the Roman calendar. People often throw parties with alcohol and fireworks, and a countdown to midnight is common.

Nothing changes on New Year's Day.


(Except, of course, for the Davis Wiki...)

Open on New Year's Day

Many businesses in Davis are closed on December 31 as well as January 1. This list tends to be who has been open in the past, so double check by calling them. If they aren't open, remove them from this list (or if you know another, add it!). See also Eating And Shopping On Holidays.