Parking on UC Davis Campus
When parking on UC Davis campus, you fall under the jurisdiction of TAPS and are subject to their own set of rules. In general, you can park anywhere on campus without a permit after 10 pm during the school year (5 pm during the summer), with exceptions to spaces reserved for the chancellor, etc. Like other UC campuses, when you visit UC Davis, you can purchase a one day parking pass for $17.00 that allows you to park in most parking spaces (except in reserved spots such as for the President Provost). Visitor permit dispensers accept Visa, and Mastercard ONLY. Parking is free on the weekends and on university holidays (e.g. Veterans' Day) unless you are in a "special events" lot.
Parking and permit information can be found at, while a map can be found at
Campus parking police are so diligent that my husband was given a ticket while he was in line trying to buy a parking pass! - BevSykes
Parking in Downtown Davis
Check the signs when parking downtown! Street parking is usually limited to 1, 1.5 or 2 hours of parking. As per the Reparking Rule, Vehicles can't be re-parked anywhere on the same block or directly across the street from it for a length of time indicated on the signage. There is 3-hour parking in the garages behind the two Davis Regal movie theaters, and Paid Parking in the E St Plaza Parking Lot.
Parking regulations run from 8am to 5pm in most of downtown, with no enforcement on Sundays for most street parking (check the signage) and no enforcement Saturdays and Sundays in the garages. Between B St. and campus, the 1 hour parking regulations are in effect from 8am to 10pm.
A color-coded PDF map from September 2015 is available from the city here.
Overnight Parking in Downtown The Student Liaison Commission recently looked into a concern about no overnight parking on Mondays (Tue 2-6am) and Thursdays (Fri 2-6am). While you cannot park on street faces/blocks due to street cleaning during those hours, most of the lots downtown allow overnight parking - North and South F Street lots, North and South G Street lots, Boy Scout Cabin lot, Amtrak lot, Davis Commons lot, etc. - and most lot restrictions start at 8am (which means you'd need to move your vehicle by 10am to avoid a ticket). If you do leave your vehicle on the street during those hours, it may receive a $35 ticket from the Davis Police Department, but will not be towed ($35 ticket vs. potential DUI).
Parking in Residential Areas
Many of the residential areas in Davis that are "close" to campus will have restricted parking, regulated by the city. Residents must obtain Residential Parking Permits to avoid being issued a copious number of tickets for parking on the street. Recently, the area north of 5th Street, between C and F Streets, has become resident-restricted parking Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm; there are a few spots open to non-residents, but the ones marked N are off-limits. As city residents request more restricted parking districts, commuters park further from campus impacting residents in those areas — commuters can help limit the number of restricted parking districts by using parking lots provided on campus.
Many apartments also have parking restrictions, but regulations vary from complex to complex.
Parking on Rented Spots
Some houses near campus and parking lots may rent out their spaces through commercialparking-focused websites. This maximizes the economic utility of owned/unused spaces. By creating an account with these commercial services, a person can rent the spot online for a day or months at a time, as long as the renter has the printed permission from the owner of the property on their windshield.
Apartment Parking
The following was excerpted from the Greystone page and was posted on March 20, 2006. It's such a balanced commentary about parking in general that it seemed appropriate to repost the statement here.
Greystone management recently contacted us regarding several posting on this web site which were misrepresenting the facts. We were chosen as the designated tow company by Greystone management so that the residents will receive prompt service. We can normally respond within 20 minutes to remove a vehicle from their assigned parking space 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The management has also asked us to remove vehicles from the few remaining red zones and improperly marked vehicles from the handicapped parking spaces. Towing from the resident's assigned spaces is in response to the resident's request and not the management's request. Residents are under no obligation to call our towing company or any towing company when a vehicle is in their assigned parking space. To the best of my knowledge, none our driver's have ever said that Greystone is our best customer. We have many accounts that have much greater parking enforcement problems than those at Greystone and we are not the sole towing for Greystone's residents. We have never given any incentives or kick backs to the management or anyone else for towing. We simply offer a better quicker service than any other towing company in the area.
Our company is the designated towing service for many commercial properties in Davis. There are many other towing companies that also do private property towing in Davis but most of them are based out of Woodland, Dixon and West Sacramento. Their out of town locations increase their response time, their towing cost and the inconvenience to the vehicle owners. Being based in Davis, we have a relativity quick response time. Most of the calls that we receive for residential private property towing comes from the tenants when a vehicle is in their reserved space.
Why is parking such a problem in Davis? The City of Davis Planning Department and City Counsel want to encourage the tenants to use mass transit and other forms of non-polluting transportation. They want to encourage students to leave their cars home at their permanent address and not bring them to Davis. They do this by requiring the new complexes to have large landscaped open spaces and by requiring that 50% of the parking lot be shaded. In order to shade the parking lot, numerous parking spaces are replaced with planter boxes and trees. These zoning requirements are what help Davis stay beautiful (at the expensive of additional parking). With most people wanting convenient access to their vehicles and with many students doubling up in the rooms to reduce their housing costs, there are more cars than available parking spaces. Residents are using the guest parking spaces and guests have no where to park. This situation seems to be getting worse every year all over town and not at just one complex.
The property managers are in a difficult position. If they enforce the parking restrictions, they have the people who get their vehicles towed upset with them. If they don't enforce the parking restrictions, they will have the tenants upset. The tenants do not want people parking in their reserved spaces (because they have paid for it as part of their leases) but they do not want their own vehicles or their friends vehicles towed if they happen to park in someone else's open parking space. It would be nice if there were ample guest parking spaces, but with land being so expensive in Davis, property owners can't afford to allocate more space to parking.
Additionally, the managers need to keep the fire lanes open in case of an emergency and to provide accessible parking for the handicapped. Active parking enforcement is the only option for the responsible managers. Therefore the choices are left with the tenants and the visitors. You can do as the City of Davis prefers and find alternate forms of transportation. Walk, ride your bike, or take the bus. If you choose to drive, be courteous and don't park in someone else's assigned space or a red zone. Be prepared to walk a few blocks if needed. If you choose to ignore the parking signs, be prepared to have your vehicle towed. The choice is yours.
Manager, All About Towing
Motorcycle Parking
There are select spots for motorcycle parking such as near [3rd Street] and [A Street].
Parking Tickets
UC Davis
City of Davis
After a $3.00 increase scheduled to go in effect on December 7 of 2010, the average fine for a parking violation in the City of Davis will be $43.00.
You can pay (or dispute) parking tickets online on the City's website. Some tickets are correctable - for example, if you get a ticket for driving without current registration, you can show current registration and only pay $10. To get a correction, you usually need to get a sign-off on your ticket from a police officer - flag one down, or go to the Davis Police Department.
Chalking for Time
Before the arrival of parking enforcement scooters with automated systems chalk was used to mark car tires. If the chalk mark was still present when the officer returned then you got a ticket. The automated system will allow for additional sweeps to be made. With chalk you had whatever amount of time was on the sign from the time your tire got chalked. Now you only have the amount of time on the sign, because there is no indicator of when the officer passed by. Big Brother can now watch your car much better with automated systems.
Disabled Parking
If you have a disabled parking placard or license plate, either one acts as a universal pass for all public areas (such as the lettered residential parking zones), and they also eliminate time restrictions for both meters and curbside parking. Plus, you can park in disabled spaces, of course.
For those confined to wheelchairs, parking downtown can be a challenge. Disabled parking spots can fill up surprisingly quickly, and street parking spots are frequently adjacent to bike racks or other sidwalk obstacles that block wheelchair ramps.
Note that, other than the ability to park in blue spaces, the disabled parking privileges above don't apply to private lots such as the movie theater parking garages or apartment complexes.
Ignoring Parking Tickets
Ignore parking tickets from both UC Davis and the City of Davis at your own peril. If you are a California resident, you don't have much choice but to resolve the ticket — ignoring a ticket will prevent you from renewing your tags. If you are a non-resident, a California DMV lock would probably not be recognized in your home state, unlike a speeding or another moving violation ticket — ignoring a moving violation ticket can get your home state driver's license pulled. If you ignore five (5) tickets you may find yourself subject to the Vehicle Immobilizer Program which will result in your car being booted.
Parking officers (as listed on tickets)
- #45 M. Franti
- #104 Preston
- #154 Kolb
- #155 Price
- #156 Williams
- #160 Torres
As of May 2012, there is only one full-time parking enforcement officer left in Davis. Her name is Sherrie Cole. The rest of the officers were transferred to other departments due to budget issues. The city hopes to train volunteers to pick up the slack. (source)
Downtown Davis has recently lost at least 6-7 parking spots, they have become bike parking (this is cool)
See also
Driving in Davis, Residential Parking Permits, Davis Parking Policy Changes
2005-02-16 11:51:30 Parking rules in this town are interesting. When our son was in a very popular band, high school girls would drop by our house if they saw his car (we are on the high school walking route) so he started parking on the next block over. He was giving a warning by the police because a neighbor didn't want him parked in front her her house—the police told her that they would ticket him, if she wanted. THIS WAS A LEGAL PARKING SPOT!!! Just recently, when there was road work being done in front of our house, I also parked in that same spot. It's a dead end street and I pulled my car up to the fence that marks the end of the road. I received a call from the police telling me I must move my car because this same neighbor said I was "blocking the sidewalk." Again, I was parked legally, but the police were willing to give me a ticket because this crabby neighbor doesn't like cars in front of her house. —BevSykes
2005-02-27 18:11:49 Parking in downtown can be tricky. There are several places where a single block will have 3 separate enforcement 'zones' — with 3 seperate sets of time/duration restrictions. I've never heard of anyone successfully challenging a City of Davis parking ticket, even on these grounds. —PaulLanzi
2006-04-07 01:38:08 Recently I got three parking tickets on a Saturday for violating the 2-hour parking rule. I was parked by the sleeze, in a 20-min zone, but it was Satruday! What gives??—AndyPastalaniec
These bastards will come back EVERY TWO HOURS and give you another $30 ticket. They add up -CaptainRush
2006-10-29 12:15:31 Can someone put more information on what to do if they tow your vehicle from the apartment complex? —JohnWong
2007-04-24 11:10:15 I found the code section regarding towing. See if they met the requirements necessary under the law. —AnnThiNguyen
2007-08-16 12:01:13 I am very possibly going to be homeless soon. I have a van and I plan on living in that while keeping my job for now. What I am wondering is where in Davis can I really legally park over night without being harrassed? Thanks very much for answers in advance. —Someguy
2007-12-27 17:29:52 I live on University Ave, and it is becoming increasingly impossible to even get a spot on my driveway nevermind the street! Between students parking where they shouldnt and neighbours who think they can take up the spaces with all 3 cars its a disgrace, i was recently issued 3 tickets in a week for parking on my street, and i have a permit, also one of the tickets was for parking on MY street and apparently obstructing it from being cleaned? in the 10months i have lived here i have never seen the street be cleaned? What gives? Anyone shed some light? —DavisResident23
They clean the streets from like 3am onward, I think DWR will tell you what day they come by under the auspices of letting you move your car off the street to give it a better clean. Listen early morning and I'm sure you will hear it's distinct wizzing brushing noise. —StevenDaubert
2007-12-27 18:51:20 can one park on campus during winter break without a permit —MattHh
2008-01-09 12:17:30 City parking monitoring seems to be extra tight/vicious on Wednesday's just before and during the Davis Farmer's market, especially along B street between 2nd and Russell. —AnnieSirrah
2008-04-14 21:29:21 I live downtown and I constantly have to move my car to avoid a ticket because of the Tuesday/Friday 2-6am restriction on X-Permits. I really don't understand why it is twice a week, they don't actually street sweep twice each and every week, this much I know. Additionally, I noticed that many cars stay parked on the street repeatedly during these 2 nights, only only sometimes do they completely clear out, and it makes me think they know something I don't about the street sweeping schedule. Do they only do street sweeping at certain times/weeks of the month? The other thing that really bugs me is that the only place you can park is the farmers market, so if you forget to move your car on friday you get a ticket on Saturday (or worse, i dont know if they can tow you, but I have received a ticket for parking there on a Saturday). —GarrettGallegos
2008-06-16 19:35:15 Does anyone have any information on the availability of parking spots on the UC Davis campus? I plan on commuting to school next year and I am curios to know whether buying a parking permit will be worth it. My other option is just to park on a public street near a bus stop and take the bus to and from school every day. I'd prefer to park on campus, but am worried that a permit will do me no good if there are never any spaces available. Anyone have any advice about the best/worst times, parking lots, etc? It might make a good addition to this article as well. Thanks! —BlairGoss
2008-06-16 20:12:56 Get to campus early (morning) and you won't have any trouble finding a space. Afternoons are practically impossible (unless you want to park in the structure by the Mondavi Center and walk).
When I was a student I parked at Anderson & Amherst and took the bus to campus. At that time, I was able to leave my car there all day without getting a parking ticket. Perhaps that has changed, though. If you decide to go this route, just be sure to check the area where you plan on leaving your car. —CurlyGirl26
2008-09-27 10:42:47 Dose anyone know if it is legal to park on Anderson near U Mall? —HellenT
2009-04-03 22:41:02 What I don't understand is why we can't park on campus until 10pm. The lots all empty after 5 and just sit unused. What a waste of space. Shouldn't TAPS be designed to work with students, not against them?? —WeiChun
- At the very least parking permits should be prorated after 5 or 6 p.m. That way if you really had to park at 8 p.m., you wouldn't have to pay $6 to park for two hours, you would only be paying like $1 or $2. —jsogul
- Face it, there is no rational way to explain TAPS way of doing business except to conclude that they are engaging in abusive practice just short of systematic extortion - don't pay your ridiculous citation and they can prevent you from registering your vehicle. Get a life, pathetic bastards. —sierragreen
2009-07-22 15:38:55 I was wondering-is there anywhere to park an R.V. overnight in Davis? My family's coming through to pick me up at the end of summer & we're taking a vacation after so they'll be in an R.V. They want to stay overnight in Davis but need somewhere to park. —mychalestrada
- You might try calling Rays RVs. —gnomeEvan 'JabberWokky' Edwards
2009-11-17 4:38:55 Is street parking in front of Cuarto free? —superamazing123
2010-07-15 13:17:30 Does anybody know if it's legal in Davis to have a covered car parked on the street? I am in a residential area that does not have seem to have any tricky parking regulations. I only drive the thing (at most) once a month, but I find myself having to wash it every time before I am able to drive. —srbarb
- You should check to see if there are ordinances (perhaps state or local) about how often a car that is parked on the street needs to be moved. In many places it's a few days or so. (They will check your odometer to see if it has changed — although it sounds like no one has a problem with it so far. I imagine they would only check if your neighbors got annoyed with it). —cp
- Just as a datapoint: I used to pass a car on Chestnut Lane whenever I'd come home. It had cobwebs in the wheel wells and such. I never saw any tickets or anything and it was never towed. You'd probably be ok. —WilliamLewis
2011-03-25 19:05:23 Does anyone know which holidays aren't enforced? The university observed Cesar Chavez day today but according to the ticket I got downtown, the City did NOT. —JacobRoche
2012-12-31 15:32:31 Just checked - New Years Eve and New Years day, the parking police are on holiday. —JonFenske
Dear Davis community,
I am a transplanted Ph.D. student trying to finish my dissertation, separated from my university on the East Coast.
I live in Sacramento, and currently I am a "community member" of the UC Davis library. I'd like to work and research at the library without paying expensive parking fees of $8 a day parking for visitors after 5PM. The other parking is not much better during the day (when I can go is 8-5PM) at $3 for two hours. And I can only do 2 hours at a time, running back and forth will all of my things to move and repay for my parking.
I have a road bike, and would like to park somewhere FREE and bike to campus. I'm not quite fit enough to make it from Sacramento currently, but am willing to bike anywhere from 2-5 miles into campus. Or perhaps bus into campus? Does anyone have any suggestions?
- I believe parking on the east side of L Street between the Second Street frontage road and Fourth Street is free and unrestricted (well, maybe there's a day with no parking for street cleaning) in front of the PG&E Corporation Yard. You could bike to Shields Library up Third Street, and it would be less than 5 miles. I don't know about parking restrictions going anywhere closer to campus, because there are parking districts that require a permit to park from 8 to 5 (or close to that long). Unitrans has numerous bus lines that run to the MU or the Silo (about equidistant from the library), so parking in the lot off Covell Blvd at Community Park (next to the Davis Art Center), and then taking the E Bus Line in is an option.
- From south Davis Safeway to the library is about two miles. Biking takes you either over the Russell overpass, through the bike tunnel, and along A St, or down Drew or Lillard to the bike paths and then through the Arboretum, or you can take the W line. Parking along Covell in this section is, if I recall correctly, unrestricted in portions but not on both sides of the street. It would probably be worth driving around the campus-surroundings to see when parking becomes unrestricted. Downtown is unrestricted after 6, so you could park at 4PM and be good for the evening.
Thank you, and for welcoming me to the group/Davis on the previous page! This was very helpful information! I'll be happily riding to campus soon with this information! LIrigaray
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