The Pizzagate controversy occurred during early voting on Measure X. The problem revolved around offers of free pizza coupons outside the poll, distributed with flyers in support of Measure X. Following the debacle, there was also discrepancies in the local papers with the Sacramento Bee and the California Aggie reporting on the incident and the Davis Enterprise downplaying the incident.
From the Measure X page:
- 2005-11-06 14:03:10 Freddie Oakley, Yolo County Clerk, has directed that the votes from the UCD polling station be counted, but kept together and set aside in case there is a legal response to the misconduct by the Yes on Measure X campaign members ("Pizzagate" and Norbi Kumagai, after being removed as the poll judge, caught the next day talking to people inside the polling station). Student votes are not the focus as non-students also voted there and students will be voting absentee and at their neighborhood polls too. Also, the votes will be counted and added to the total, so its OK to go ahead and use the UCD polling station, if it is more convenient than your neighborhood polling station. —SharlaDaly
From the Norb Kumagai page: