Location |
Russell Field UCD Relay for Life |
Emerson Junior High School Davis Relay for Life |
Phone |
(415)516-4607 |
(559)430-9616 |
relay4life@ucdavis.edu |
Web site |
http://www.relayforlife.org/ucdavisca |
http://www.relayforlife.org/davisca |
National Site |
Event Date |
May 3-4, 2014 UCD Relay for Life |
August 2-3, 2014 Davis Relay for Life |
In the past it was at Toomey Field |
April 14-15, 2012 |
April 10-11, 2010 |
April 4-5, 2009 |
April 5-6, 2008 |
March 31st, 2007 |
April 1-2, 2006 |
Relay For Life is a fun and unique 24-hour event to increase cancer awareness at UC Davis while raising much-needed funds for the American Cancer Society's programs and services. Teams composed of 8 - 15 people formed by local businesses, sororities, fraternities, dorms, friends, family and faculty raise funds prior to the event. At the Relay, team members take turns walking or running around the track at Aggie Stadium or Emerson Junior High School, relay-style and enjoy fun activities and entertainment off the track. The Relay For Life of UC Davis is currently the top college relay in California, and has raised over $500,000 for the American Cancer Society over the past four years. The Relay For Life of UC Davis is put on by the Colleges Against Cancer chapter at UC Davis.
Event Schedule
- Opening Ceremony: 9am Saturday
- Survivors Lap: 9am Saturday
- Luminaria Ceremony: 9pm Saturday
- Fight Back / Closing Ceremony: 9am Sunday
2009-03-16 01:48:04 The website is now www.relayforlife.org/ucdavisca in case people were wondering. —JoeyDiel
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