This page offers information regarding resources available to Black transwomen and transwomen of color in Davis and surrounding areas.

The UC Davis LGBTQIA Resource Center keeps an updated list of legal, healthcare, and other resources here: Some of these are student-specific, but many are not.


Organizations and Groups


Healthcare Resources

  • for people with UCSHIP (UC Student Health Insurance Program)


    • According to the lgbtqia center, SHIP covers hormones and surgery but they don’t specify much on the page (I’ve heard they will cover 90% for top surgery). The contact listed is Jezzie Zimbardo: [email protected] chair of CTTC (Consultation Team for Transgender Care, run by Counseling And Psychological Services in conjunction with UCD medical providers).

    • “SHIP insurance consultations and new Transgender care coverage: hormone replacement coverage; referral and coverage for top and bottom surgery. To schedule an appointment with Student Health call 752-2300. Contact physician to request specific transgender health services: Dr. Michelle Famula”

  • Gender Health Center in Sac:

  • List of Sacramento and Davis area trans* friendly providers according to category of care (some are SHIP friendly, some are not):


Housing Information


QTOPC Housing Exchange - Davis (Closed FB group, must request access):



Volunteers of America Open Arms Program, Sacramento

-Emergency Shelter (Gender Neutral Room w/ Private Bathroom Available) *Only for HIV+ folx

-However, there is a transitional living program that is also queer-trans* friendly (income based)

Point of Contact: 916-451-1691 John Abler [email protected]

Salvation Army, Sacramento

9am intake. TB test required




Locations of All Gender and Single-Occupancy Restrooms in Davis


Food Resources


Legal Advice