Location |
1403 5th Street |
Phone |
(530) 400-4035 |
Website |
http://www.robricemassage.com |
Owner(s) |
Rob Rice |
Established |
In practice since 1987 |
Rob Rice Massage and Ortho-Bionomy is at the Davis Holistic Health Center. Sessions are tailored to fit your needs including Ortho-Bionomy, Shiatsu, Deep Tissue, Lomilomi, Therapeutic Touch, NeoReichian, Hot Stone, Healing Touch, Lymphatic Drainage, Guided Visualization and Energy Balancing.
- From therapy to pure relaxation, Davis offers a variety of Massage Services
2010-02-11 09:34:28 Rob is great! Very calming energy. Fabulous massage. I leave feeling like a wet noodle. —TenayaFreitas
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