Davis is a never-ending font of geekdom:
- DRAGON - Davis Roleplaying and Gaming Organizational Network.
Drom's Comics and Cards sells supplies and has tables to play at.Departed Business. - Bizarro World sells geek supplies and offers space to play, Also has DVD rentals and vintage toys.
- Davis Cards and Games Shop most likely has something, and they're near Campus and Delta of Venus.
- Dungeons and Dragons is perhaps the most popular roleplaying game and is very easy to get into.
- White Wolf is a publisher of other popular games, several of which run in Davis.
- Rite Aid has basic Magic: The Gathering cards by the front register
- Target probably has Magic: TG cards and does have basic board games in the toy department.
And of course, with any geek activity, there is a certain fetish for the paraphernalia of the hobby, the most exalted of which is typically dice.
According to Wizards of the Coast, there is also a Frozen Caveman Games located on Sharon Avenue just outside of town by the Davis Golf Course. It runs games normally hosted "at your local game store" and carries a large selection of individual miniatures. Hours tend to be flexible, but include most weekday evenings and weekends. Call the store at 756-3420 for more info.
Note: Also see Games for info on other types of gaming