Club President
Allen Wong
Meeting Times
Wednesday @ 7:00PM
Meeting Location
Olson 101
Contact Email
Club Facebook Group

Students for Nichiren Buddhism was founded by its current president Allen Wong in Spring 2008, but due to systematic errors, did not start its activities until Fall 2009. It is presently the only campus club affiliated with Soka Gakkai International, a lay Buddhist organization that promotes education and embracing cultural diversity in order to secure world peace and happiness of all people.

The club meets every Wednesday at 7pm in Olson 101 to explore and discuss concepts of Nichiren Buddhism. The meetings are a time of friendly and casual discussion between believers and skeptics, non-believers, or those who are simply curious about the practice.

Examples of topics studied so far include:

  • Karma
  • The founding and founder of Nichiren Buddhism, Nichiren Daishonin
  • Oneness of the self and its environment


  • Dependent Origination (or "Interconnectedness")

Gosho studies are another recently-implemented activity where the members study the written letters of Nichiren Daishonin. This study series is led by Alex Nelson in the campus quad (in the MU if it rains) every Tuesday and Thursday at noon and is open to all wishing to attend.

For more information, please e-mail our club president at!

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2010-04-27 12:21:30   Do you guys usually meet at a specific table for the letters-study meetings? I tried looking inside and outside MU today but couldn't find anyone. —ScottMeehleib

  • 2010-04-28 18:41:52   Sorry about that, but there is no general meeting place yet...if it is raining, check near King's lounge (if it's closed, we'll be studying right outside of it). So if you can't find us, gimme a call (818)303-4573. We look forward to studying with you :) —AlexNelson