Web site |
http://www.studentdonor.org |
- Did you ever notice that little red circle sticker that you can put on your driver's license that says "Donor?"
- Do you know someone who has had a life-saving organ transplant surgery?
- Do you know someone who is on a waiting list to receive an organ?
- Do you care?
College students, especially UC Davis students, can get involved in this important cause!
CLUB: Students for Organ Donation
A new club, founded by Tamara Taber and Kenneth Feng, has come to the UC Davis campus and they are looking for new members. Because it is a new organization, there are also many leadership positions available such as executive directors for operations, development, finance, marketing, public relations, community relations, and also web designer and secretary.
Hundreds of students on college campuses across the country have taken action to make a difference in the lives of the thousands of Americans in need of an organ transplant by establishing chapters of Students for Organ Donation. The national office provides chapters with resources, direction, ideas, and a national network of contacts with the goal of registering as many individuals as possible for organ and tissue donation. When all is said and done, not only will you have increased public awareness for the need for organ donors, you will have measurable results to validate your efforts.
With an ever-increasing number of Americans in need of an organ transplant, the national organ shortage is a growing crisis. Every single person who registers as a donor has the potential to save up to 8 lives, and improve up to 50. Unfortunately, studies show that there is a tremendous gap between the number of Americans that support donation and the number that actually donate. Recruiting new donors on college campuses will increase the pool of potential donors, and make an invaluable difference in the lives of those in need of organ transplants.
If you are interested in becoming a member or an officer of Students for Organ Donation, please contact:
Tamara Taber trtaber@ucdavis.edu or Kenneth Feng Kyfeng@ucdavis.edu
Make a difference. All are welcome!