Surge III, "The Grove," is part of the Surge complex of buildings located just south of Hutchison Drive - the Silo portion of campus. It appears to be connected to Surge I. Perhaps it was an addition onto that building. The Grove at Davis is an apartment complex with a similar name.
Academic Technology Services's faculty support team are located in 1312 Surge III. Fernando Socorro and Steve Faith hold drop-in hours and SmartSite Workshops throughout the year.
1310 Surge III is frequently used for faculty meetings. On the first Friday of each month, there is a Discussing Online Learning and Collaborative Education (DOLCE) meeting at 12pm, and on the third Friday of each month at 12pm there is a faculty panel on teaching with technology. Visit ATS' instructional technology blog, The Wheel, for more information.
Davis Honors Challenge occupies 1342 Surge III.
A bunch of vet school programs are located there that are not directly related to becoming a veterinarian (that's not all the vet school is, afterall). Masters and PhD research degree programs are two examples. The Masters in Veterinary Preventative Medicine department has a building and several rooms. There's a few computer labs for graduate computer labs, such as for some statistic classes for other vet programs. There's a few conference rooms. several offices and an informal meeting area with couches, a fridge, and a microwave.
Surge III also features a lecture hall, room 1309. Many non-Vet classes are held here. There are two doors, each one the right and left sides of the room. The main entrance is on the (right when seated). This classroom features the annoying chairs that are lifted up from the floor and are attached to several long, flat, rows of table space, while reducing the ability to walk through without having to squeeze though. This makes it hard to get to the middle spaces when the room is full. -BRYCEH: I've had a CRD class and a History class in that classroom.