Tagging is a sub-type of Graffiti that involves marking an object with a tag, which is typically a sequence of letters indicating a person or group (frequently a gang).

Bathroom stalls on campus have become forums for written conversation... but what about elsewhere? Do taggers dare leave the safety of an enclosed room or stall to spread their sagely word? Some do, apparently...

Can be found in the Art Bldg.'s west stairwell: Reads: "Your wack like your mom. Oh shit, oh snap, oh" to which one grammarian responded "You're". The illustration depicts a fictitious? "hot, fresh" product called "Spidercakes". "New improved flavor!" and "10% less poisonous!" the box declares. A spider on the product box says "Mmmm! Legs 'n' things!" To the left of this, the seeming non-sequitur in red Sharpie reads "Visit Sunny New Orleans". Also in west stairwell of Art Bldg. Title reads: "DUCK FAT," while below it a duck declares, "I never leave home without it."

I actually was surprised to see some tagging on the wall in Wellman 216 when I was sitting in the back. Most of the discussion is about birds, penises, and sports. Nothing impressive however but I'll get a pic.