Davis has appeared several times on The Daily Show on Comedy Central. The Daily Show is a satirical news program that pokes fun at network news anchors, reports and politicians. It is hosted by Jon Stewart, who has appeared in several movies and television shows. Several news clips from CNN, C-SPAN and FOX News are taken out of context and poked fun at in a humorous way. The Daily Show uncovers several ridiculous factors of journalism with Daily Show "correspondents" conducting their own "field stories". Along with news stories that are similar to satirical bulletins seen on Saturday Night's Live "Weekend Update" are interviews with celebrities, political figures, activists, authors, musicians and other headliners.
In 2004, The Daily Show hosted an election special called "Indecision 2004". This special is now available on video and DVD. Also spawned from The Daily Show is the best-selling "America The Book".
Davis Appearances
- Nov. 28, 2011 — Stewart comments on November 18, 2011 UC Davis Police Response to Occupy UC Davis.
- The video can be viewed online here.
- Feb. 11, 2009 — UC Davis Professor Daniel Sperling was interviewed by Jon Stewart about his book, Two Billion Cars.
- The video can be viewed online here.
- Feb. 26, 2004 — UC Davis Asian American Studies Professor Darrell Hamamoto created a pornographic film titled Skin on Skin, only employing Asian-American actors. Daily Show correspondent Samantha Bee interviewed Professor Hamamoto as well as George Takei (Sulu of Star Trek).
- The video can be viewed online here.
- Jan. 5, 2004 — Ed Helms poked fun at Conservative Coming Out Day, which was scheduled during Gay Pride Week. He interviewed George Andrews and Aldritch Tan, making not-so-subtle gay jokes along the way.
- Sept. 24, 2001 — UC Davis Professor Carl Keen is featured in a segment discussing his new research involving the potential health benefits of chocolate.
- The video can be viewed online here.
- June 11, 1998 — Stephen Colbert speaks with Julie Partansky, Mike Gudenson, and Bob Dunning about the Toad Tunnel. Camera surveillance of the tunnel showed that no toads actually used it.
2005-06-13 18:53:50 i loved watching aldritch skip away in that! —RohiniJasavala
2006-02-16 00:19:14 Aldritch was on the Daily Show?! o_o —MatthewTom
2008-01-26 21:41:53 Yeah That bitter Queen was on the show. However, he had nothing to do with getting them there in the first place. And Basically was PUT on the show because the producers thought that I wouldnt Code Gay enough for viewers. I was also the one that tipped them off about the porno. —JonDsouza
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