
The Pamela Maus Contest in Creative Writing was established in 1984 with an endowment by Ron and Shirley Maus to honor the memory of their daughter, Pamela Ingebar Maus, who was an English major at UC Davis with an interest in creative writing. Prizes are cash awards funded by the interest from the endowment. Judges are appointed by the contest chairperson.

Category: Fiction and Poetry Eligibility: UCD English undergraduates or Comparative Lit. majors

Past Winners for Poetry

2013: 1st place: Toshi Casey for "Dimorphic Life History of Jellyfish", 2nd place: Marisa Wohlschlaeger for "Brick Mockingbird Song", Honorable Mention: Emily Nicol for "People: 2011 to 2012" 2010: Teresa Pham (1st), Briony Gylgayton and Joleen Long (both 2nd) 2008: Brian Ang and James Wooden (both 1st) 2007: Uyen Hua (1st), Brian Ang (2nd) 2006: Michael Giardina (1st), Patricia Killelea (2nd), Uyen Hua and Gus Caravalho (Honorable Mentions) 2005: Sam Spieller (1st), Melissa R. Smith (2nd), Anna Rozzi and Lani Chan (Honorable Mentions) 2004: Jeffery Ross (1st), Adam Soldofsky (2nd), Loren Kwan (Honorable Mention)

Past Winners for Fiction

2013:1st place: Laurel Carney for "Yellow", 2nd place tied: Dominic Booth for "End" and Marisa Wohlschlaeger for "Paper Bodies" 2010: Briony Gylgayton (1st), Jayne S. Wilson (2nd) 2009: Long Nguyen and Sara Netto (both 1st) 2008: Koji Frahm (1st), Susan Calvillo (2nd) 2007: Michelle Jackson (1st), Carmen Lau (2nd) 2006: James Xiao (1st), Sam Spieller (2nd), Marie Burcham and Emily Conner (Honorable Mentions) 2005: Michael Giardina (1st), Susan Calvillo, Devon Larsen, Remi Barrett, and Carolyn Miller-Lopez (Honorable Mentions) 2004: Adam Bevelacqua (1st), Melanie Thorne (2nd), Diana Chan, Brett Laugtug, and George Seamer (Honorable Mentions)