The time has now come for us to seriously think about where we would like the Davis Wiki to go. This page will be the hub for Future Plans for the Davis Wiki, and the Wiki Spot and Local Wiki projects in general.
If you have never edited the wiki before, or have only edited it a couple times, feel free to speak up! You have a say in this, and there are no "dumb questions". Everybody is encouraged to participate, not just the people who edit on a daily basis. A large chunk of the wiki was written by people who edited less than ten times, so don't feel like having only made minor contributions means you have less right to speak up here. |
- Wiki Community/Future/Spammers and Newbies
- Wiki Community/Future/Software Features
- Wiki Community/Future/Gnome Features
Content and Culture
Related Pages
In the past, long range planning is scattered on a lot of other pages. A selection below: