What better way to express your love for Davis Wikiand spread The Word than putting a wiki sticker on your laptop, bike, car, binder or child? The original sticker reserve has since run dry, so rather than make a second run of the same sticker, I thought I'd give the community a chance to design the next wiki sticker.
We're having a sticker design contest. The Wikizen who designs the best sticker will have their design printed en masse and receive a pile of free stickers. Please limit your stickers to smallish squares or rectangles. Two colors is preferable (one vinyl color, one ink color), but we might make exceptions if the design is super awesome. Designs should be in a vector format or bitmapped at 300 dpi. Leave margins of at least 1/8". Don't try to do any half-toning or any other pixel tricks as the sticker process doesn't take kindly to that kind of thing.
You design it, Philip picks a winner (he's paying for them).
Please upload your designs to this page by midnight on May 21.
Here is some source material:
If you don't have Photoshop, Flash or Illustrator, you can use opensource alternatives like The GIMP or Inkscape.
Late Entries
Submitted by EliseKane
Submitted by EliseKane
Submitted by EliseKane
As no one else entered I'll submit a late entry
Can someone suggest better words?
Per Daubert's suggestion <-- You can't tell from this, but everything that is white would be transparent, and the "sticker" itself would be those resuable static cling to glass type stickers, Afixable in a store window or a car etc ... —StevenDaubert Sadly, looking into it, static cling stickers are a bit pricey, but then again, I only checked google. ~DavePoole
Colors suggested by Jedron
If you don't know what Building Roles is....exactly.-JamesSchwab
based on Philip's request for a recreation of the original
Something in the same vein as the original. The tiffs are the correct size (4.25" x 1.38") at 300 dpi and the designs have sufficient margins.
2007-05-07 19:48:23 I couldn't open that ".svg" extension (maybe it's just me, though) —MaryLieth
It's in a format that's very convenient to a graphic designer. It's all good. The same thing is in the PDF. —wl
2007-05-08 01:02:40 Basically the same as before, but transparent except for the logo and the URL which would be black, it would also be the kind that sticks to glass I belive by static cling or something. it should say daviswiki.org/............. where people can put something with sharpie or whatnot, ideal for business etc. I'm will whip up this idea sooner or later, please not it wouldn't be periods but a underline, but the wiki hates me so it underlines the rest of my comment—StevenDaubert
Post Script: If I win I would use my pile of stickers to go around to business and have them pimp for themselves and the wiki as noted in my wiki proposal. Meybe I should link my wiki proposal but I will do so later
oooo, i like that idea. fill-in-the-blank is great. -michelle
2007-05-09 12:14:30 I just want a sticker of the old design for my bike. :-\ —WilliamLewis
2007-05-10 08:33:17 go to the sticker request page and make a seemingly futile request for one! —StevenDaubert
2007-05-10 14:15:15 How about.... (First line) What don't you know about Davis? (Second line) DavisWiki logo —stevie13
2007-05-10 14:42:54 What about some kind of "Read about it on the Davis Wiki" campaign? In other words, when people go to a new business or organization because of something they read on the DW, they should tell that business or organization. I did this recently with a local hotel, and the response was, more or less, "hunh?" That shouldn't happen. A "read about it on the Davis Wiki" campaign would encourage people to talk up the wiki via word of mouth; businesses and organizations would definitely take notice, since they are themselves trying to figure how best to spread the word.. —CovertProfessor
2007-05-23 12:56:06 Nobody submitted a design! Even if somebody would re-create the old sticker with the proper dimensions it'd help get some out faster! —PhilipNeustrom
I was going to have David Poole whip up my concept sometime in the near future, but JA pretty much hit the nail on the head...
2007-05-23 19:50:05 Can we combine the second line on Daubert's with the first entry, it is more of a request for feedback that way maybe? —DavidPoole
2007-05-25 10:06:47 any feedback on the designs I submitted? I hope they're used! =) —EliseKane
2007-05-25 13:36:23 I like the cow. —JabberWokky
2007-05-26 00:56:07 Needs some color, bolder text, sharper picture lines... —Jedron
Excellent — could you upload your suggested changes?
2007-05-26 11:19:57 Suggestion: A tandem bike (a la Elise's excellent bike idea) with the motto "Davis Wiki: Ride Together" or "Davis Wiki: The More the Merrier". The bike idea is really fantastic, Elise. I just thought a tandem bike might capture the "multiple people working together" idea. Single or tandem, though, the bike logo is great. —JabberWokky
I have this vision of an edit war being depicted as a bunch of bikes riding in a constant circle around a UCD bike traffic circle. —WesHardaker
2007-06-08 22:55:06 So has a design been chosen? When's it bein' printed? —EliseKane
2007-06-17 22:06:07 I'll say that this is the best here, sticker-wise. It gives a hint of what Davis Wiki is. I'll start looking into printing it. I also like the bike one, but it needs a lot more polish before it could be printed. —PhilipNeustrom
2007-06-17 22:45:22 Philip, what kind of polish are we talking? —EliseKane
2007-06-18 13:49:19 More color would make it stand out and be noticed much more. —Jedron
2007-06-18 14:29:35 I still think mine is the best. F-U B.R.! —JamesSchwab
2007-06-19 What do people think of this color combination? —EliseKane What do people think of this color combination?
I prefer the the black and white that you did originally — I think it will be more visible and more striking. I like your design quite a bit, actually. The only change I would make would be to smooth out the bike graphic a little bit. Maybe add a dash symbol, i.e: FIND IT FAST – DAVISWIKI.ORG (with the dash on the first line). —CovertProfessor
The graphic needs smoothing out and the bike and text don't really go together crisp-ness wise.
Yes... a distressed font would work well. Or something like a schoolbook simple rounded serif font. I flashed to a version that reads "Davis and Wiki" above, and underneath "Goes together like a Bicycle and your Ass". But I don't think that works well.
Still, something drawing a comparison to how the wiki fits Davis like Bicycles fit Davis would work well. —JabberWokky
2007-06-25 19:12:54 Can somebody upload a simple replication of the original sticker design (see Wiki Sticker) that is completely ready for print (see http://www.123stickers.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=202 for some details, perhaps)? If someone does this I'll send it off to be printed.. —PhilipNeustrom
2007-06-25 19:14:26 How do people feel about a square sticker with just the roundabout? Perhaps some text someplace around / near it..? —PhilipNeustrom
2007-06-26 13:24:43 I think it's a waste that a few people, myself included, spent time designing stickers and now a decision is being made to print the original boring sticker. If decision-makers are going to go with their own ideas, then why create a design contest in the first place? —EliseKane
Because none of the images uploaded on this page are print quality. Upload a print quality sticker to the specs of the sticker site (that's linked here) and I will immediately go and order stickers. Nobody has uploaded a sticker that is printable, even as of now. The requirements are roughly: a single color (black and white is absolutely the cheapest — going up to two colors costs about $100 more), crisp, no borders (looks odd on a sticker) and looks good, and of the proper dimensions. I could spend time to "fix up" some of these designs to make them printable, but that's why we are having a contest — so I don't have to. :-/ Short of that, I am thinking we should just print up the old design as none of the more exciting ones are printable right now and demand for stickers is through the roof. Though, reading through this page, the requirements were not made clear. I'll hold off re-ordering the old sticker for a few days to see if anyone uploads something print quality before then. —PhilipNeustrom
2007-06-28 21:34:54 I like Daubert's fill in the blanks suggestion the best. And I feel that it could work on a sticker. It probably isn't the only one we should make now, though. —BrentLaabs
2007-06-28 22:19:47 Davis Wiki - Why everyone knows more about Davis than you do. DavisWiki.Org —EdWins
2007-06-28 22:29:02 Remember that we're making stickers, not billboards. Even a simple sentence would be too much for these stickers as we'd have to shrink the text down to the point where you'd have to be rather close to the sticker in order to read it. Also, some of the designs are incredibly intricate. At a distance, it's all mush and hard to make sense of. Also, the sticker process that would be used doesn't take kindly to pixel manipulation to make textures.
Remember: The simpler, the better. We want these things to do their work, even at a distance. —WilliamLewis
2007-06-29 08:52:23 I vote for the "orginalish-invereted".
2007-06-29 14:06:47 I was originally thought of it being like http://Daviswiki.org/ with the _______ being below it, and when combined makes the URL for the specific page that sticker has been customized. This way it can be slapped randomly with nothing, or put on a pay phone with the payphone project DW url, or on a store with that stores wiki page etc. —StevenDaubert
2007-06-29 16:56:41 Hiya. Can anyone show me the link for the proper dimensions of the sticker? I would be grateful. —EliseKane
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