Place your real/amusing accounts of using the wiki and/or unique wiki success stories here.
AIM Conversation Tuesday, January 31.
Mike: What should I eat, damnit. Viv: haha Viv: me too Viv: oh! Viv: wanna go to katmandu or i wonder if sushi buffet is open Mike: sushi sounds better Mike: "Nobu offers a lunchtime sushi buffet from 11:00AM to 2:00PM. Monday-Thursday it's $9.45" Viv: "Nobu offers a lunchtime sushi buffet from 11:00AM to 2:00PM. Monday-Thursday it's $9.45" Viv: haha Mike: BEAT U Mike: muahaha Viv: damn you Viv: hahaha Mike: i pwn wiki
Oh I know I've used the wrong mark up in AIM and on LJ, Brent even called Philip and told him to develop a plugin of sorts to link wiki links in IM conversations. And we've been known to yell out wiki mark up in obscene fashion. ie; "BRACKET, QUOTES, BITCH!" —MichelleAccurso
- I sometimes worry that I'm becoming a wiki supremacist. —BrentLaabs
Thursday, April 8, 2006 -My husband and I wanted something easy and inexpensive to eat, but couldn't think of where to go. We asked Where Should I Eat Today and it replied Ali Baba. We had never been there before an figured we best not argue with the WikiBot. It was a perfect choice! ~Janelle