In general, it blows. Fortunately, Davis is not too windy of a place (despite getting North wind). A good place to find real time wind speed and direction is the AWOS station at the University Airport. Prevailing wind direction in Davis is SSW most of the year. NNW occurs often enough in December and January that the wind can be said to "prevail" from that direction in those two months. The rest of the year NNW wind (called "north wind") is intermittent, but gustier than our usual prevailing Delta breeze (which is SSW).
Occasionally we get a windstorm that tosses a bunch of branches around, dries out your face, and sends your allergies off the charts. They can pop up a few times a year and last for a day or two. These are usually winds coming from the northwest.
- February 6, 2025, 18mph (15-25 mph and possible gusts over 40 mph). And massive rain since a week or so. We are the lucky ones.
- February 4, 2025, 15-25 mph and higher.
- January 20, 2025, 21 mph (20-30 mph and higher). Winds Of Change.
- January 12-13, 2025, 17 mph, 15-25 mph.
- January 11, 2025, 24 mph, 20-30mph, higher gusts possible.
- January 6-7, 2025, 20 mph (15-25 mph). Higher gusts possible.
- December 13-14, 2024, 20 mph (15-25 mph with possible gusts over 40 mph).
- November 6-7, 2024, during the election days, 24 mph, 20-30. Possible gusts over 40 mph.
- November 3, 2024, 22 mph (15-25 mph with higher gusts).
- October 17-18, 2024, 18-22 mph (higher gusts possible).
- June 17, 2024, 20 mph (15-20, with higher gusts).
- May (7-)8, 2024, 24 mph (20-30- +).
- May 1, 2024, 20 mph (15-25, ocassional gusts over 40 mph).
- March 13-15, 2024, 20 mph (20-30-40+ mph).
- March 1, 2024, 22 mph, 20-30 mph, higher gusts over 40 mph, and again, days of rain too.
- February 18 -19, 2024, 18 mph (15-25 mph). Same bonus as February 4-5, 2024.
- February 4-5, 2024, 15-25-50+ mph, most I ever witnessed since living in Davis (CO). Bonus: several inches of rain.
- December 8, 2023, 17 mph (15-25 mph). Powerful North wind (in car, very powerful interference).
- November 23-24, 2023, 18-20mph (15-25mph).
- October 28-29, 2023, 🏹🌕, 16 mph (15-25 mph, higher gusts possible).
- March 14, 2023, 25 mph (25-35 mph).
- March 9, 2023, 25 mph (20-30 mph) and rain, so much rain! It has been raining (and snowing up higher) *constantly* since October 2022, yes really. The one and only, seemingly ‘impossible’, miracle California needed, needs to get out of the mega drought, it’s happening right in front of our eyes. Yes, it is a very tough ‘nd chilly Fall and Winter, and now even Spring soon, yes, that’s less pleasant, but should be we very grateful? YES!
- March 1, 2023, 21 mph (15-25 mph, gusts over 40 mph).
- February 21, 2023, 23 mph (20-30 mph and higher).
- February 6, 2023, 19 mph (15-25 mph).
- January 30, 2023, 18 mph (15-25 mph).
- January 22-23, 2023, 24 mph (20-30 mph, higher gusts).
- January 7-8, 2023, 27 mph (25-35 mph), and yes, 'we' are still raining and will continue to do so, the next weeks on end.
- Bomb cyclone! January 4-5 2023, 30-40 mph (up to 60-70 mph). With staggering amounts of rain in December 2022 and January 2023. We will have water, folks!
- January 1, 2023, 22 mph (20-30 mph).
- December 30-31, 2022, 20 mph (Dec 30), 33 mph (Dec 31) (20-30-45 mph) and lots and lots of rainy days now, drought, what drought? It's incredible, all this rain whole days and nights long, l (CO) have never seen anything like this since living here (2011), and the rain keeps coming, next weeks too.
- December 10, 2022, 24 mph (20-30 mph) and lots of rain again.
- November 18, 2022, 17 mph (15-25 mph and winds could gust over 40 mph).
- November 13, 2022, 17 mph (15-25 mph).
- October 23, 2022, 21 mph (20-30 mph, higher gusts possible).
- September 18, 2022, 18 mph (15-25 mph), higher gusts possible, and (Late) Summer Rain!
- May 20, 2022, 15-25-up to 40 mph gusts.
- May 3, 2022, 20 mph (15-25 mph).
- April 9-11, 2022, 23 mph (20-30 mph, higher gusts possible).
- March 20, 2022, 20 mph (15-25 mph and higher).
- March 10, 2022, 17-20 mph (20-30 mph with gusts over 40 mph).
- March 7, 2022, 21 mph (20-30 mph) with some mean gusts much! higher (by personal observation, CO)
- February 15, 2022, 23 mph (20-30) and higher gusts.
- February 1-2, 2022, 23 mph (20-30 mph) and higher gusts.
- January 21-22, 2022, 23 mph (20-30 mph plus higher gusts).
- December 15, 2021, 20 mph (15-25 mph).
December 13, 2021, 23 mph (20-30 mph). And we in Davis, NorCal, are having a much better year than say the last five years, very limited wildfire smoke nuisance, weeks of very nice morning (and evening) fog this November and December, major rain fall in October and some in November too and now, lots of rain in December as well! Yeah! NorCal, you can do it!
- October 24, 2021 20 mph (15-25 mph) with FLOODING RAINS. 🌊💦🌪🌧💨🌬🌊
- October 11-12, 2021, 21 mph (15-25 mph) with gusts over 40 mph.
- September 28, 2021, 21 mph (20-30 mph, higher gusts possible).
- May 8-10, 2021, 25 mph (20-35, with higher gusts).
- May 2-3, 22 mph (20-30, higher gusts possible).
- March 30, 2021. 19 mph (25-35, higher gusts possible).
- March 23, 2021, 25-35 mph and can reach over 50 mph.
- February 27, 20 mph (15-25 mph and could gust over 40 mph).
- February 23-24, 2021, 26 mph (25-35 mph), and could gust over 40-50 mph.
- February 17, 2021, 23 mph (20-30 mph).
- January 26-27, 2021, 36 mph (25-50 mph). (plus 1-2 inches of rain).
- January 18-19, 2021, 26 mph (25-35 mph and occasional higher gusts, over 40 mph).
- December 6 (night)-December 7, 2020, 24 mph (20-30 + higher gusts).
- November 26, 2020, 20 mph (15-25 mph, higher gusts possible).
- October 25-26, 2020, 25-40 mph and could gust over 50 mph. Tighten your seatbelts for the bumpy ride.
- October 22, 2020, 22 mph (20-30 mph, higher wind gusts possible).
- October 14, 2020, 20 mph (15-25 mph).
- October 11, 2020, 21 mph (20-30 mph, mainly in the morning).
- September 27, 2020, 25 mph (15-40 mph).
- September. 26, 2020, 18 mph and with it, the fire smell and bad air quality returning (15-25 mph).
- September 8, 2020, dangerous weather alert, 33 mph N (25-40 mph), bone dry! ☠️
- June 5-6, 2020, 21 mph (20-30 mpg, gusts possible over 40 mph).
- May 17, 2020, 18 mph (15-25 mph, higher gusts possible).
- May 6, 2020. 19 mph (15-25 mph), higher gusts possible.
- April 4, 2020, 18 mph (10-20 mph), more windy than weather station says...
- March 23, 2020, 22 mph (15-25 mph, higher possible).
- March 13, 2020, 25 mph (20-30 mph and could gust over 40 mph).
- March 1-2, 2020, 21-27 mph (20-35, and could gust over 50 mph). There was NO rain in the whole month of February 2020.
- February 17, 2020, 22 mph (20-30 mph, higher possible).
- February 11, 2020, 20 mph (15-25 mph) and higher gusts possible.
- February 8-10, 2020, 27 mph (25-35 mph, and could gust over 50 mph).
- February 2-4, 2020, 18-25 mph (15-30 mph), higher gusts possible. 🦦.
- January 29, 2020, 18 mph (15-25 mph).
- December 7, 2019, 23 mph (20-30 and higher gusts possible).
- December 1, 2019, 20 mph (15-25 mph) and can gust over 40 mph.
- November 30, 2019, 20 mph (20-30 mph) and raaaaiiiiiiinnn! (in early Dark and Rainy Davis).
- November 25-26, 2019, 25 mph. Winds at 20 to 30 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.
- November 20, 2019, Winds N at 25 to 35 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 50 mph.
- November 14, 2019, 18 mph (10-23 mph).
- October 29, 2019, 25 mph (20-30 mph) and wind gusts over 40 mph possible.
October 27, 2019, 35 mph (25-40 mph) and wind could gust over 60 mph. Some stores even decided to close on this day, at least I, CO, know of one: Ken's Bike and Ski shop (they sent me an email).
- October 24, 2019, 18 mph (10-20 mph), and the fires are raging again.
- October 23, 2019, 21 mph (20-30 mph + higher).
- October 21, 2019, 21 mph (15-30 mph).
- October 9 and 10, 2019. 25 mph (25-35 mph) and gusts higher than 40 mph possible. Bay Area PGE power shut off to prevent wildfires like the Campfire. About 800,000 people househoulds affected. Davis stays on power or so is in the planning.
September 28, 2019, TORNADO! Link More cool clips, heart of Davis! And this by far the best clip 🌪️
- September 23-26, 2019, 18 mph (15-25 mph).
- September 15, 2019, 20 mph (15-25 mph).
- September 7, 2019, 20 mph (10-20 mph).
- June 22, 2019, 22 mph (20-30 mph).
- June 7-8, 25-27 mph (15-35 mph) and higher gusts possible.
- May 20-21, 2019, 18 mph (15-25 mph).
- May 5-6, 2019, 20 mph (15-30 mph).
- April 20-22, 20 mph (20-30 mph), higher gusts possible.
- April 12, 2019, 20 mph (20-30 mph).
- April 9 and 10, 2019, 25 mph (20-35) and gusts higher than that.
- March 27, 2019, 19 mph (15-25 mph).
- March 13, 2019, 23 mph (20-30 mph).
- March, 11, 2019, 21 mph (15-25 mph).
- March 5-6, 2019, 22 mph (15-25 mph, higher gusts possible).
- February 25-26-27, 2019, 25-30 mph (20-35 mph), and could occasionally gust over 40 mph.
- February 21, 2019, 27 mph (25-35 mph).
- February 18, 2019, 20 mph (20-30 mph).
- February 12-13-14, 2019, 31-27-24 mph (20-35 mph), and could gust over 50 mph.
- February 9, 2019, 23 mph (20-30 mph).
- February 3 - 4, 2019, 22 mph (15-25 mph).
- February 2, 2019, 31 mph (20-35 mph), could gust over 50 mph.
- February 1, 2019, evening, night, 27 mph (25-35 mph), and could gust over 40 mph.
- January 22, 2019, 22 mph (20-30 mph).
- January 20, 2019, 22 mph (20-30) and “higher wind gusts possible”.
- January 17, 2019, 22 mph (20-30 mph).
January 16, 2019, 34 mph (25-40 mph and could occasionally gust over 50 mph).
Turbulent weather December and January 2018-2019
- January 15 evening night of 16, 2019, 22 mph (20-30 mph).
- January 8>9 2019, 21 mph (15-25 mph) and wind could occasionally gust over 40 mph.
- January 5-6, 2019, 35! mph (20-40 mph) with possible gusts over 50 mph, and lots of rain sweeping along the next weeks, so yeah: hurray. Not all is lost for California.
- December 31, 2018, January 1, 2019, 33 mph (20-35 mph). 🌬🎆🎇🌬 Stormy New Year's Eve in Davis, California
- December 28, 2018, 20 mph (20-30 mph).
- December 27, 2018, 28 mph (25-35 mph) and “Winds could occasionally gust over 50 mph”.
- December 25, 2018, 25 mph (20-30 plus possible high gusts).
- December 24, 2018, 18 mph (10-20 mph).
- December 12, 2018, 23 mph (20-30 mph).
- November 29, 2018, 20 mph (20-30 mph), with some thunder (+ rain).
- November 28, evening/night, 24 mph (20-30, up to over 40 mph) + "heavy rain".
- November 22-23, 2018, 19-20 mph (15-25 mph) and the rain has defeated the smoke.
- November 10, in the evening and night, and 11, 2018, winds 23 mph (20-30 mph), while Northern (ánd Southern) California is heavily on fire again, and instead of the highly anticipated rain (drought in Davis since May 2018), fires came. 🌫️🔥🌫️ On this day, November 10, Davis maybe is smoky like never before.
- November 8, 2018, 28 mph (25-35 mph and gusts occasionally over 50 mph possible).
- November 7, 2018, 24 mph (20-30 mph) (evening).
- November 3, 2018, 20 mph (15-20 mph).
- October 30, 2018, 25 mph (20-30 mph).
- October 29, 2018, 19 mph (15-25 mph).
- October 15, 2018, 20 mph (20-30 mph).
- October 14, 2018, 23 mph (20-30 mph).
- October 7, 2018, stormy, 27 mph (25-35 mph).
- October 6, 2018, windy, 18 mph (10-20 mph).
- June 23, 2018, breezy, mostly in the morning, 17 mph (15-25 mph), combined with triple digits and very low humidity (12%).
- June 16, 2018, breezy, 18 mph (15-25 mph).
- May 30, 2018, breezy, 19 mph (15-25 mph).
- May 11, 2018, windy, 24 mph (20-30-40 mph range).
- April 15, 2018, windy, 20 mph (20-30 mph).
- March 26, 2018, windy 20 mph (20-30 mph).
- March 1, 2018, windy; 21 mph (20-30 mph) with occasional gusts over 40 mph.
- February 28, 2018, increasing wind during the day, 21 mph (20-30 mph).
- February 27, 2018, windy 24 mph (20-30 mph).
- February 18, 2018, breezy, 17 mph (15-25 mph).
- February 15, 2018, windy, 20 mph (20-30 mph).
- February 10, 2018, windy, 23 mph (20-30, occasional over 40 mph).
- February 6, 2018, windy, 20 mph (15-25 mph), decreasing during the day.
- December 21, 2017, windy 19 mph (15-25 mph).
- December 16, 2017, stormy (and still without rain unfortunately) 31 mph (25-35 mph, with occasional gusts over 50 mph).
- December 4, 2017, windy 26 mph (20-30 mph).
- October 14, 2017, windy 22 mph (15-25 mph).
- October 12, 2017, breezy 18 mph (15-25 mph).
- October 9, 2017, breezy 18 mph (15-25 mph).
- October 8, 2017, windy 26 mph (20-35 mph).
- October 1 and 2, 2017, windy 21 mph (20-30 mph).
- September 23, 2017, breezy, 17 mph (10-25 mph).
- September 18, 2017, breezy, 17 mph (15-25mph).
- May 1 and 2, 2017, breezy, 18 mph (10-20 mph).
- April 28, 2017, 20 mph (20-30-40 mph).
- April 12, 2017, stormy, 20 mph (15-25 mph).
- March 31, 2017, 26 mph (25-35 mph).
- March 30, 2017, 19 mph (15-25 mph, occasional gusts over 40 mph).
- March 28, 2017, 21 mph (15-25 mph).
- March 21, 2017, windy 19 mph (15-25 mph).
- March 4, 2017, windy 18 mph (15-25 mph).
- February 26, 2017, breezy, 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- February 20, 2017, 24 mph (20-30 mph) + "significant flooding".
- February 19, 2017, 19 mph (15-25 mph), and the rain still going strong.
- February 17, 2017, 20 mph (15-30 mph) and yes, it's raining again too.
- February 11, 2017, windy 17 mph (15-25 mph).
- February 9, 2017, windy 16 mph (10-20 mph), still raining too.
- February 5 and 6, 2017, with intervals: 19 mph (15-25 mph), and still raining cats and dogs.
- February 3, 2017, 19 mph (15-25 mph).
- February 2, 2016, windy 16 mph (10-20 mph) and yes, another front of rain has settled for the next ten days or so (!).
- January 19-21 (with brief interruption), 30 mph (15-35 mph). Still raining heavily.
- January 18, 2017, 40 mph (and yes, rain again!), 25-40 mph. Big storm developed in the afternoon and evening.
- January 10, 2017. Another storm with 25 mph (25-35 mph) and legendary rain.
- January 9, 2017, pre-stormy with 19 mph (10-25 mph) and rain building up for yet another round.
- January 8, 2017, big storm with 30 mph (20-30 mph) and impressing amount of rain.
- January 4, 2017, stormy weather with 24 mph! (20-30 mph). And tons of rain!
- December 23, 2016, windy, 17 mph (10-25 mph) (with rain).
- December 15, 2016, 22 mph (15-25 mph) with lots of rain.
- December 1-2, 2016, 22 mph (15-25 mph).
- October 30, 2016, 18 mph (10-25 mph).
- October 24, 2016, wind picking up in the afternoon, 17 mph (15-25 mph).
- October 16, windy, 17 mph (10-20 mph).
- October 15, 2016, stormy, 26 mph (gusts up to 35 mph).
- July 9, 2016, windy, 16 mph (15-20 mph).
- June 15, 2016, windy 16 mph (10-20 mph).
- June 11, 2016, windy 18 mph (10-20 mph).
- May 17, 2016, 16 mph (15-25 mph).
- May 14, 2016, breezy, 14 mph (10-20 mph).
- April 30, 2016, stormy, 28 mph (25-35 mph).
- April 28, 2016, windy, 17 mph (15-25 mph).
- April 25, windy, 24 mph (15-25), gusts over 40 mph.
- April 22, 2016, windy, 18 mph (15-25), gusts over 40 mph.
- April 15, 2016, windy, 22 mph (20-30 mph), gust over 40 mph.
- April 5, 2016, windy, 18 mph (15-25 mph).
- March 28, 2016, windy 21 mph (15-25, gusts over 40 mph).
- March 21, 2016, windy 21 mph (20-30 mph, gusts over 40 mph).
- March 13, 2016, windy, 19 mph (15-25 mph).
- March 12, 2016, windy 20 mph (20-30 mph).
- March 11, 2016, windy 20 mph (20-30 mph).
- March 6, 2016, 20 mph (20-30 mph).
- March, 5, 2016, ♫ stormy weather ♫, 24 mph (20-30 mph).
- February 22, 2016, breezy, 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- February 19, 2016, breezy, 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- February 17, 2016, windy with 24 mph (20-30 mph).
- February 14, 2016, have a breezy Valentine!, 18 mph (15-25 mph).
- February 1, 2016, windy, 16 mph (10-20 mph).
- Januari 31, 2016, 25 mph (25-35 mph, gusts over 40 mph). This was a true windstorm (an event of extreme winds with no rain).
- January 29, 2016, 18 mph (15-25 mph).
- January 22, 2016, wet&windy weather, 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- January 19, 2016. Stormy, especially in the morning! 25 mph (25-40> mph). Lots of rain too, yeah! \o/
- January 13, 2016, 17 mph (15-25 mph).
- January 6, 2016, stormy, 19 mph (15-25 mph).
- January 4 (evening)-5, 2016, windy 18 mph (15-25 mph).
- December 26, 2015, windy 16 mph (10-20 mph).
- December 21, 2015. Windy 21 mph (15-25 mph) with occasional gusts over 40 mph (plus rain, yeah!).
- December 14 + 15, still windy with 17 mph (15-25 mph).
- December 12-13(morning), very windy 20-30 mph with gusts over 40 mph (plus rain).
- December 9>10, windy in the evening and night 17 mph (15 25 mph), occasionally gusts over 40 mph.
- December 3, 2015, windy, 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- November 27, 2015, windy with 18 mph (10-20 mph).
- November 26, 2015, 14 mph (10-20 mph), windchilly at 48F.
- November 24, 2015, breezy 14 mph (10-20 mph).
- November 15 & 16, 2015, windy 20 mph (17-25 mph).
- November 4, 2015, breezy 17 mph (10-20 mph).
- October 29, 2015, windy 17 mph (15-25 mph).
- October 20, 2015, windy 17 mph (15-25 mph).
- October 3 2015, breezy again, 14 mph (10-20 mph).
- October 2 2015, breezy, 14 mph (10-20 mph).
- September 15, 2015, windy, 17 mph (15-25 mph).
- September 14, 2015, windy with 21 mph (20-30 mph).
- September 5, 2015, breezy 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- September 2, 2015, breezy, 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- July 22, 2015, breezy, 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- July 9, 2015, 16 mph (up to 20 mph), a pretty firm wind in the morning.
- July, 8, 2015, a refreshing breeze in the evening, 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- July 1, 2015, breezy, 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- June 21, 2015, breezy, 15 mph (10-20, gusts up to 24 mph).
- June 18, 2015, wonderful (if I may say so) breeze 14 mph (14-20 mph).
- June 14, 2015, a breeze (16-23 mph).
- June 9, 2015, 19 mph (gusts up to 27 mph).
- June 3, 2015, late afternoon wind strengthens to 17 mph (gusts up to 23 mph) (and it even looks a little pre-rainy, but I guess that's misleading)
- May 31, 2015, breezy 14 mph (10-20 mph).
- May 24, 2015, 14 mph (10-20 mph, gusts up to 22 mph).
- May 22, 2015, 17 mph (with gusts up to 26 mph).
- May 21, 2015, 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- May 20, 2015, breezy 14 mph (10-20 mph).
- May 15, 2015, windy 15 mph with gusts up to 24 mph.
- May 14, 2015, wind in the (late) afternoon 15 mph with gusts up to 22 mph.
- May 13, 2015, breezy with 14 mph (10-20).
- May 11, 2015, 15 mph (10-20 mph) and "El Nino still getting stronger"
- May 7, 2015, a good breeze, 19 mph (15-25 mph).
- April 24, 2015, windy 15 mph (10-20 mph) (in waves)
- April 22, 2015, windy in the afternoon: 14 mph (10-20 mph)
- April 21, 2015, breezy, 14 mph (10-20 mph)
- April 15, 2015, high winds 23 mph (20-31 mph).
- April 14, 2015, continuing: 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- April 13, 2015, about the same again: 15 mph (10-20 mph).
- April 7, 2015, and same: 14 up to 20 mph. (Rain/thunder as well)
- April 6, 2015, same: 14mph - 10-20 mph.
- April 5, 2015, wind (and some rain) 14 mph - 10-20 mph.
- April 2, 2015, bolder: 18 mph (15-25mph with gusts up to 29mph).
- April 1, 2015, wind's getting bolder, windy 12-18 mph.
- March 31, 2015, breezy 10-15 mph (and more expected next days)
- March 28, 2015, breezy 13 mph (10-20 mph).
- March 22, 2015, breezy 13 mph (10-20 mph).
- March 18, 2015, the same: breezy 10-15 mph (and the pollen love it!)
- March 15, 2015, breezy 10-15 mph ( and a lot of descending pollen)
- March 12, 2015, breezy with 15 mph.
- February 26, 2015, 10-20 mph, quite breezy in the afternoon.
- February 23, 2015, north 15 to 25 mph with gusts of 40 to 45 mph.
- February 22, 2015, north 15 to 30 mph with gusts up to around 40 mph.
- February 8, 2015, again, windy. 20 mph (up to 30 mph) accompanied by some natty rain. "Nat" = "wet" in Dutch.
- February 6, 2015. Windy, 24 mph, with rain, heavy at times. Winds 20-30 mph.
- January 31, 2015, 'plentiful sunshine' and breezy, 14 mph (10 to 20 mph).
- December 29, 2014, a fierce wind starts to pick up in the evening, December 30, 2014: 25-35 mph with gusts over 40 mph. December 31, 2014: 20-30 mph, gusts over 40 mph. We'll enter 2015 with the wind at our backs!
- Christmas 2014: December 24, 2014, breezy: 10-20 mph, December 25 and December 26, 2014, windy: 20-30 mph.
- December 10, late, and December 11: severe rain and wind: 35-50 mph. This is considered the biggest storm in 5 years surging from the Pineapple Express. Severe and rare storm Gusts could exceed 70 mph, and even over 100 mph in the mountains.
- December 3, 2014, Winds SSE 15 to 25 mph (and rain, lots of it, yeah!).
- November 23, 2014, breezy with 13 mph (gusts up to 17 mph).
- November 2, 2014, breezy with gusts up to 18 mph.
- October 25, 2014, Rain and wind (17 mph).October 14, 2014, wind, growing stronger in the afternoon, 15 mph (gusts up to 20 mph).
- October 12, 2014, strong winds, 18 mph, with gusts up to 27 mph.
- October 1, 2014 had a good breeze (17 mph).
- September 30, 2014, breezy again (14 mph).
- September 17, 2014, breezy/windy (14 mph).
- June 26 and 27, breeze (but you feel it alright when you e.g. bike), 14 mph.
- June 25, 2014: 19 mph (wind started to pick up in the afternoon of June 24).
- June 17, 2014: 17 mph.
- June 10-12 and 14-16, 2014 had a light breeze (average 14-15 mph, addition CO).
- June 2, 2014 was a mildly windy day.
- April 17-May 31, 2014 were altogether (mildly) windy months.
To repeat a comment from last year which again applies: "While it wasn't super windy every day, it was very windy a lot of days."
- March 31, 2014 was a windy and stormy day!
- March, 17 and 18, 2014 were windy days.
- March, 11, 2014 was a windy day. The wind continued on March 12, but in a weakened form.
- February 26, 2014 was not only rainy, but very windy in the evening and night.
- February 7, 8 and 15, 2014 were windy days.
- January 12, 2014 was a (mildly > 18 mph) windy day.
- December 19, 2013 was a windy day.
- December 3, 2013 was a mildly windy day.
- November 21 and 22 were windy days.
- November 3 and 4, 2013 were windy days.
- October 27 was a windy day; the wind was blowing a lot of dust and leaves up and away.
- October 13 was a windy day.
- October 8 was a windy day (especially in the morning and early afternoon).
- October 3 and 4 were very windy days. On October 3, a tree was blown into a powerline, causing a minor shutdown on 5th street near I Street.
- Sep. 25-27, 2013, were windy days. The wind picked up on Sep. 25 in the evening and increased during the night, stuck around all day on the 26 and died off in the morning of the 27th.
- Sept. 20, 2013, was a windy day.
- Sept. 18, 2013, was a windy day.
- June 14, 2013 the wind picked up at night and continued during the day.
- May 31, 2013, despite being warm and summery out, intermittent gusts blew in throughout the day.
- May 19-22, 2013 the wind picks up again including a Delta Breeze. It died down during May 21, but returned May 22, blowing in from the North.
- April 2013 was f*ing windy. While it wasn't super windy every day, it was very windy a lot of days. For example:
- April 30, 2013 featured strong, gusty winds in the morning. They briefly abated, but then picked up again for the rest of the day, blew through the night and finally calmed down again at the end of May 1.
- April 24, 2013 the wind died down during the day, but at night the Delta Breeze joined the party.
- April 22 and 23, 2013 were very windy days.
- April 16, 2013 was a windy day.
- April 8, 2013 was an extremely windy day. The power was knocked out for a few hours on Pole Line Road. April 9 (see animated gif), 10, and 11 were windy, too.
The winds of February 23, 2012, on the other hand, resulted in a massive release of plastic bags from the Yolo County Landfill.
Summer Wind and Rain in Davis in 2013
Wind in Davis on October 27, 2013. You can see the dust blown up by the wind at the end of the cycling and walking path. "Research Park" - HTC photo by CO
November, 2018, Davis, California is struggling with high winds, combined with lacking of rain and low humidity since May 2018. Extreme conflagrations in both Northern and Southern California are the result.