Location |
310 Parkway Circle , across from the ARC |
Phone |
House Number: (408)-750-6918 |
Contact |
Silas "sarge" Walker (408)-750-6918 pres@agodavis.org |
Web |
http://www.agodavis.org/ |
Established |
1927 Nationally, 1992 Locally |
Alpha Gamma Omega (AGO) was founded in 1927 as a Christ-Centered Fraternity with the primary purpose of providing a Christian fellowship for born again men at UC Davis and to give forth a testimony to others of the saving and keeping power of the Lord Jesus Christ. With the slogan "The Fraternity for Eternity", they strive to make young men into strong men of God to be leaders of men.
Their Purposes
- To win others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ,
- To promote Christian Fellowship,
- To present Christian ideals in word and deed,
- To search reverently for the Truth,
- To uphold the traditions and ideals of the university,
- And to deepen the spiritual lives of the members.
- Fraternity Verse: II Timothy 2:15
- Fraternity Colors: Blue and Gold
- Fraternity Flower: Easter Lily
- Fraternity Motto: "Fraternity for Eternity"
- AGO is one of the most prominent Christ-Centered Fraternities in the country. It is currently the largest on the west coast.
- Famous Alumni of AGO:
- Honorary Member - Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ
- Percy Crawford, Founder of Kings College
- Sports newscaster John Howard, CBS News
- President of the independent record label The Militia Group, Rory Felton
- Journalist / Documentarian Bobby Bailey of "Invisible Children"
- Actor Beau Wirick of "Raising Dad"
- The Davis Iota Chapter has maintained a strong reputation amongst the fraternities and sororities since its founding in 1992.
- AGO nationwide has held its place as a well respected fraternity since its founding in 1927.
- 2009 Greek Award for the Highest GPA in the College of Letters and Science
- 2009 Greek Award for the Highest GPA in the College of Engineering
- 2009 Greek Award for the Highest GPA in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
- 2009 Greek Award for Outstanding Member
- We as brothers of AGO pray at noon everyday.
We have our annual All-AGO Pismo Flag Football Tournament every October, hosted by the Kappa Chapter, as well as our own Winter Football classic here in Davis,
where all teams compete for a huge, awesome trophy and all proceeds go to the Invisible Children Foundation.
- We have awesome exchanges with the spectacular Panhellenic Sororities of UC Davis, as well as many events with our sister sorority Alpha Delta Chi.
- We have a 10 bedroom house on campus, which is cheaper to live in than dorms or apartments. It's also clean on a regular basis. Stop by and check us out!
- We host Men's Bible Study(which is open to non-Greeks as well) Wednesdays at 8:30pm and hold worship (Refuge) after at 10:00pm
- We are a Brotherhood that stands for Honor, Service, Integrity, Creativity, Truth, Leadership, Competition, Love, and Respect, united under Christ.
No, we're not your average fraternity. Though we do know how to party (believe me, we've been doing it for 2000 years) we stand for what we believe and hold strong to our values. We are a group of men who come from many different backgrounds and beliefs, and we respect the beliefs of others. We provide an alternative to the stereotypical fraternity lifestyle, while still having a great time and getting the most out of the college experience. Feel free to stop by and check us out anytime, our door is always open and we would love to get to know you!
It has been my experience living next door to this organization that they were not communicative with their neighbors whether being politely addressed in passing or about issues relating to noise or other community disturbances. I had no idea, however, when I made the comment on this page about dancing, that dancing was actually prohibited. Ironic! - KarlMogel
For a Christ-centered fraternity, you would think that they would be friendly, neighborly, open and inviting... but no. I lived right next to them and they are extremely reclusive and downright rude. By the way, women and girls are not interchangeable terms. -ArielaHaro
I understand we have that stigma of being reclusive, but not all of us are like that. I know a number of guys living at the co-op, I've stopped by whenever they have parties, I think they're fun. I think a lot of guys are just shy too, so you can't really blame 'em for not being open and inviting. —MattNewgren
2006-09-12 09:31:38 NO DANCING??!!!! !!! ??!!! Last time I checked, all of our anscestors have used dance as a ritual to connect with spirit. Dancing is a divine practice that for many of us is the easiest way of praying. Our bodies are sacred. There is no God of love that would condemn dancing! Let us all be free to dance and love and live! —YogaGal
2006-12-03 21:57:23 I think that the men of AGO are awesome. I don't know about the naysayers. The dancing thing is just an old bylaw from the founders way back in the day. —SoCalGal
2009-05-11 00:20:33 AGO has consistently had the least noise complaints of all the fraternities on campus. Look it up! — joexcore
2009-06-15 23:16:09 AGO seems like a cool group. Just please don't confuse them with the non-frat college christian groups like DCF, Intervarsity, Campus Crusade, College Life, Koinania, or any of the on-campus christian fellowships. Theres a big difference between AGO and those other christian groups. —BryceH
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